^Mr. Rich Boy And The Cutie~^ <GoYuu/gojoita>

^Mr. Rich Boy And The Cutie~^

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=pic not mine=[highschool au]contains:smutflufflittle angstCursingand etcships:GoyuunobamakifushiinuNote!Hello, my readers!i hope u enjoy my story. <3 this was made like kinda fast? im only good at making real life stories in my lil notebook. i've decided to make a online book <33bare with me guys it's 2:34 im staying up late cause I'm very bored and i have gotten my inspiration bymy cousins siblings and you guys to seeing and reading comment make me so happy to know the supportivity that you give to the fellow writtersthat is all i hope you enjoy my book <3 -mitsuki ❤️ words: 566…