Heroes Of the MDC

Heroes Of the MDC

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This is the company book, copyrighted and reserved for Heroes of the MDC only. Staff announcements, warnings, ideas, staff members, threads, etc shall be posted here :) Anybody literally can post here, but please no spamming and no asking to join; you've missed your chance, sorry. Stalkers are always welcome ;) WARNING: Not editedI would like to give credit and thanks for @_littlelady for doing the cover for this book! It's amazing, I know ;)โ€ฆ



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|| A song inspired by the Virginia Vegas song "We are stars" ||Nobody in Rigerdown High school accepted Zola for who she was. She was always teased by her bullies. She was made fun of every single day. Yet she still has the discipline and bravery not to take a knife out and start doing cuts all around her arms. Thank God she has some friends to support her. Until one day, all of that finally changed.A fresh-looking 17-year teen named Ki Humberg came to Riverdown High. His hazel eyes were so deep that you can get lost in his stories. His dark-brown hair waved every time he walked, giving him that fabulous look. The dimples that showed every time he smiled shined through the halls, making every girl at sight faint. Zola's top bully, Gaby, takes him immediately out of her try-to-get-as-boyfriend list. Now things are very complicated.Zola's true feelings are being faintly shown slowly. Ki is the only one that realizes it. When he needs a place to stay, Zola's house becomes open to him. Gaby's nostrils are flaring every time Zola is around him, trying to become at least his friend. Zola's deepest stories, secrets, and moments are trying so hard not to be revealed. The bullies bully her even more than ever.What is she supposed to do now? Is she stumped in hell and forgotten? Or does one step change everything? Maybe love can happen? Maybe the bullies' mouths will be sealed by zippers? Can Zola take vengeance?Unstoppable means 'that cannot be stopped or surpassed; unbeatable'. If Zola can or can't make it to this title, then what's left?WARNING: Not editedโ€ฆ