Cruel summer ~ Conrad Fisher Love Story

Cruel summer ~ Conrad Fisher Love Story

3,773 43 38

Kaia Baker speneds all of her summers in Cousins Becah at Susannah's beach house and her two sons, Conrad and Jeremiah. Kaia has always had a crush on Conrad, and, after her glow up before the summer, she hopes things will be different.…

Falling Slowly - JJ Maybank Love Story

Falling Slowly - JJ Maybank Love Story

58,600 405 104

The Pogues are after the gold from the Royal Merchant. But Hope and JJ never thought that love would come in the way. "JJ and I always had a thing for eachother, and occasionally flirt here and there, but nothing serious"…

Dark Loos Good ~ Draco Malfoy

Dark Loos Good ~ Draco Malfoy

1,008 50 52

Emery Potter always hated Draco Malfoy. But, in her 6th year of Hogwarts, her feelings for her enemy start to slowly change.…