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Huey grew up on the isle of Auraduck, after his mother disappears suddenly he has to take over the kingdom.Dewey grew up on the isle of the lost with his mentor glomgold, after he gets the chance of a lifetime, he has two choices: Help Kill Scrooge mcduck and find the secrets of his parents or stay here with his new friends.Webby grew up locked away by her mother Morgana, her goal: to marry the prince and bring her mother to safetyLena needs to find Scrooge's number one dime for her mistress Magica to break out of the isle.louie is part of the beagle boys clan and never asked for anything more or different, When he gets this opportunity, his mother tells him to find Scrooge McDucks Will.Huey decides to give them a chance at a new life.β¦