Jin (First -Dating The Kpop Idol Series)

Jin (First -Dating The Kpop Idol Series)

16 2 1

June 12th. 2024. 7 days ago, Jin Returned from the army.A fan-fiction made up of actual real-life moments weaved together with some fiction featuring- You. Our very own special Jane Doe who; for the sake of this, will now be referred to as Sa BoRa(사 보라). AKA Y/N😝.Enjoy falling in love with Sergeant Kim Seok Jin All Over Again.💕…

Millennium Luna

Millennium Luna

4 1 1

Tarianella. Weird name for a wolf right?I was given it by my mother which if I'm being honest means my whole pack. They all believed I would be the one.It's the same thing everyone says for every Luna born into my family. Oh she's the one. No! She's the "new" one. Our_ seer always says.*Exhausted eye roll*"Heh. Well my mom comes from a long and powerful line of wolves from whom, all eyes have been on for the past what? Eighty millennia.Like every single supper sharp and clear wolf eye has been on my pack like whyy!??"*Exasperated sigh.*Like what the fuck is that? Ever since I was born, I have never for once been able to go to take a piss alone. Yh guys. It's "That" Bad. At least not until when I-((Who knows maybe I should title this story -"That Bad"- dun dun dun *dramatic sigh* "Just kidding you all") From the Writer.)I never thought that for one moment my mother would go back on her word.Well, she didn't really choose to,fate happened I guess."My Fate. It's a shitty one I'll tell you that." *Sassy eyeroll once again with tongue out👅bitch*…