Resided in You - Mattheo Riddle

Resided in You - Mattheo Riddle

5,319 145 18

He hates her. She fucking despises him. There's almost zero possibility this is going to end well. Thea Granger, forced to move to Hogwarts after an unexpected incident, struggles to find herself in the new school, battling her family, finding new allies and, well, trying to fucking survive. She wouldn't have guessed that among all the commotion, something as stupid as a boy would be stuck in her mind. Especially a boy that she hates with every fucking fibre of her being.ā€¦

Flee from Freedom - (mattheo riddle)

Flee from Freedom - (mattheo riddle)

32,954 539 46

"I never wanted to not want you"Voldemort has won, he's done it. Harry Potter is dead, the order is diminished, and it was all for nothing. All the betrayal from his own side, from the children he sent as spies, yet it all amounted to nothing. Now they have to run, they have to keep running. Salazar knows what will happen if they don't.ā€¦

Smoker (Mattheo Riddle fic)

Smoker (Mattheo Riddle fic)

481,088 6,774 38

Evelyn Diggory has been outcast by her family, finding comfort in her Slytherin Classmates. Never finding anyone intriguing, she keeps herself at distance from a relationship. But 6th year is where it all changes, especially after a new boy Mattheo moves into the school.Slytherin meets Slytherin, instant attraction, slow(ish)burnSome chapters are quite short and some are quite long, because I merged them together.ā€¦

It's All Sorted

It's All Sorted

241 9 7

I jam the wand harder into her neck. My head pounds where it hit the bookcase and my breath quickens as I wait for her to make the next move. A smile forms on her lips, teasing me. "Go on Granger, do it."The grip on my wand tightens, twisting it slightly in her neck. Wincing slightly, the smile doesn't leave her eyes, and her hands remain on my arms, holding me firm against the bookcase. "You can't." She grins at me. "You can't do shit, Granger." After Voldemort's death, Hermione and her friends return to Hogwarts for their 8th academic year, struggling to find themselves after such times. Hermione's inner conflicts are amplified when McGonagall not only announces a re-sorting, but tasks her to watch over her classmates, as Voldemorts army begin to re-emerge. Struggling to take it all in, her head becomes clouded, and unlikely bonds are formed in unlikable places. Enemies to lovers (cause I know you love those) Hermione's POVā€¦