Wrath of Lyria
In a world where superpowers, known as quirks, are the norm, young Suimin finds herself in a unique position. As the daughter of the infamous hero, Midnight, and a notorious criminal, she must navigate her way through the complex world of heroics and villainy while keeping her own powerful quirk, Inferno Shadow, under control.Despite her unusual lineage, Izumi is forced to enroll in UA High School, the top hero academy in the country. There, she joins forces with a group of promising young heroes-in-training and begins to hone her skills under the guidance of experienced teachers.But when a new villain threatens to bring chaos to the peaceful city of Musutafu, Suimin's loyalties are put to the test. With her unique quirk and her mixed heritage, she must choose where her allegiance lies and fight for what she believes in.As the battle between good and evil rages on, Suimin discovers that her true strength comes not from her quirk or her lineage, but from the friendships she forges and the bonds she forms with her fellow heroes. With their help, she just might be able to save the day and prove that even someone with a complicated past can become a true hero or not.…