The Boy Who Fell Off a Lawn Mower | Watty's '18

The Boy Who Fell Off a Lawn Mower | Watty's '18

788 116 15

"I told you, I try not to associate with anyone at school," he repeated. Dismay washed over Aida after being lumped in with everyone else, but she decided to be relentless. "Well, I'm not really from our school." A slight twinge of blush came to her cheeks at using the word "our." "I'm from another school in Connecticut... I only just got to this one."He frowned, but it still looked good on him. "That's not what I meant.""I'm not wrong though," stated Aida.Suddenly, the elusive Mr. Lawnmower stood up, wiped his reddened, calloused hands on his already dirty jeans, and walked over to Aida. He stood very close to her, to the point where she could smell gasoline, grass, and a twinge of oak from a cologne. Aida's breathing slowed, wondering what he was doing. Her legs threatened to take an automatic step back, but the rest of her body was unable to comply.---Aida's life changes for (what she hopes) is the better when her little family moves to California. Her father's job relocates them, gives him a generous pay raise, and plops them in the middle of a wealthy suburban town. Aida flies under the radar for as long as she can at her school, but her newfound wealth starts to attract the attention of the stuffy, gossiping, rich kids... but not Mr. Lawnmower - the loner boy who mows her lawn. After being told to avoid him, Aida isn't sure if she wants his attention, but manages to wrap herself into a dirty mess that involves it, which will include some muffins, peppermint vodka, a house-mansion with a mysterious past, and a lawn mower.---From the author of Midnight: When the Wolves Come Out (293k reads). A Watty's '18 entry. All reads, votes, and comments are extremely appreciated! Thank you!Cover created by @shizunj Best Ranked Tags: #18 Wealthy, #1 Suburbs…

Midnight: When The Wolves Come Out (Twilight Fan Fiction)

Midnight: When The Wolves Come Out (Twilight Fan Fiction)

313,630 5,041 28

What if Charlie and Renee Swan never got divorced? What if Bella was brought up in Forks as a Washington child? What if that impacted Bella's life majorly so that she was only loved by one guy? What if Bella was a target to different vampires, vampires that loved her in a different story?Interested in the sequel? Check it out here:"The dialogue seems realistic and brings your characters to life. Your writing style is unique, and I love your descriptions. I'll keep on reading! This is different than a lot of fanfictions I've read. Good job!"@Katiekatkitty"the way you tell the story is quite humorous....i don't really know how to describe it, but nevertheless, your writing makes me smile"@beeley3"OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I love this story. I have been writing for a long time and I know a good story when I see one, its descriptive, its edge-of-your-seat kind of stuff. You definitely NEED to keep writing this story because, clearly everyone loves it and I think you have a creative mindand you could take Jacob Black and Bella Swan to a whole new level TEAM JACOB BLACK!!!!"@Unicornwolvespixie"u had me laughing the whole the time. I like ur sense of humor"@socceriana"More more more more!!!!"@inak14"I give you a virtual: cookie hug teddy bear and trip to Disney world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"@SarahTheBear03"*raises eyebrows*"@MyNameIsFishStick"I just can't put this one down. Very good."@ShaelennDavis"OMMFG!!! It's midnight where I am and I have to bite my first to resist screaming but it hurts so much so I want to scream more but I can't or I will scream if hat makes any sense whatsoever!!!"@MoonBornFire"I....cant...stop....reading...."@MidnightMoonDusk"Wow! I don't really read these types of books but wow"@lillieserm12"hahah. this chapter made me piss my pants XD"@Da_vamp"PLEASE UPLOAD SOON THIS STORY IS TOOO YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) ;)"@EyeOfTheOwl…

It's a Service, Really (On Hold)

It's a Service, Really (On Hold)

527 44 7

"Is that what you do for your job?" he asked, confused at what I was trying to tell him."It's a service really," I corrected. I hated it when people tried to make that distinction."Oh. I'm sorry. I'm still not understanding, though."The nitwit. It's not that hard."I go on blind dates. For money."He continued to gaze straight into me, his electric blues still not comprehending. Do I really need to clarify further?"I run a website, offering blind dates for people when they're lonely. They plug in a couple traits they want and I become that person. The computer chugs out what they need and I comply.""Why?"I mentally slapped myself. It wasn't that difficult.~Coming from the writer of Midnight, When the Wolves Come Out; Lust; Under the Surface; Death Doesn't Due Us Part; You May Know Me As... and more.I've decided to try my hand at some first person POV and some romance/humor/teenish fiction. Hope we all like it! Show your support with voting and commenting as this is entered into the 2016 Watty Awards (I haven't entered anything for 3-4 years!!! ). -gymnast17Note: This is not about an "escort service."…

Dumped (On Hold)

Dumped (On Hold)

88 3 3

What happens to the men who get left at the alter? People only tend to care about the woman's story; her new suitor from her past, her stylish new way of life, her spectacular wedding. What about the man whose wedding was cancelled?A short story to be written over spring breakInspired by a tumblr post…

Death Doesn't Due Us Part (Haunted)

Death Doesn't Due Us Part (Haunted)

47,545 1,312 31

Any girl of sixteen always dreams of getting her first "serious" boyfriend. So she can actually experience the hard grip of true love. But Miss Victoria Night has already had that feeling for a while. But even though she's already felt that strong emotion, she's never experienced something as strong as death in it's cruelest form- when it takes away the one you feel strongly for. When death's hand claims Jack Sommers after Victoria moves away, she's crushed. But not for long... Because he's began reappearing and it's not in his normal form. He seems a little... transparent.Aren't ghosts transparent?AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story will be updated every day of October because it is my "October story." The date in the story is not the same date as the chapter. Each chapter title is the date it was posted. Then you'll know whether to expect another update that day. This story is in the Watty Awards 2011. Your votes/tweets/likes/comments/fanning is very appreciated.…

You May Know Me As...

You May Know Me As...

67,060 1,546 20

Karter Johansen is an epic badass. Michelle Flanders is a total nerd. Scarlet Black is a hopeless romantic. Rebecca Anderson is an obsessive band geek. Jessica Fitzgerald is a hardcore athlete. Emma Stevens is a textaholic popular. And Alexandra Quarent is all of these people. That's right, Alexandra Quarent is the girl with seven identities. She lives with her parents as a senior in high school. They know nothing. Karter, the badass, sneaks out at night with a fake ID, pretending to be twenty-one. Michelle, the nerd, is taking online college courses. Scarlet, the romantic, is dating a very popular boy, as usual. Rebecca, the band geek, has learned to play every instrument except the bassoon, which is what she's learning now. Jessica, the athlete, is now going for the school track record for the hundred meter dash. Emma, the popular, is about to have a major social crisis because her "mom" is going to punish her for her low grades and take her phone away. Alexandra, the entirety, is the family figure. This identity is solely used for the purpose of family. When Alexandra's septuple life starts to go down the drain, will all her identities follow, leading her secret to be discovered?Please vote for me<3 --Now completed--Interested in the sequel? Check it out here:…

Lust (Midnight Sequel, A Twilight Fan Fiction and Short Story)

Lust (Midnight Sequel, A Twilight Fan Fiction and Short Story)

36,841 1,030 16

What if Jacob had imprinted on Bella? What if she'd chosen him, not Edward? What if Edward changed her to a vampire and she still wanted to love him? How could a forbidden relationship between two enemies work, especially when Edward finally falls in love with Bella? Who will she chose in the end? Will new romance bud?Sequel to Midnight: When the Wolves Come OutBook 2 in the Midnight seriesA Short Story (next book in series coming out soon!)A Twilight Fan FictionInterested in the first book of the series? Check it out here: 1: MidnightBook 2: LustBook 3: Estranged…

Under the Surface (On Hold)

Under the Surface (On Hold)

267 24 7

"Tell us about it," one said, "being nervous. Is your heart racing?" An air of urgency was breathed in by all within the room. They took a stethoscope to her chest."I was not nervous. I would have been fine to present the project." She tried to put a mask on her face in order to hide the emotions."These tests are showing that you have something we need to do to you."She stared blankly at the wall in a look of lost hope. All the feeling in her head drained the full way down to her feet. Her emotions dropped and a world of her own seemed to collapse again.***Nervousness is no longer an emotion in the United States.Plagued by a long, evil war, the government, also known as "The Matriarchy," is thinking up all the ways they can to put an end to it and finally come out as the victorious country. They try everything they know of to enhance their soldiers and their battles, until finally settling on something, accidentally eliminating certain emotions in the process for the rest of society.Two high school girls seek out the secret that is being kept from the people of the United States, but secrets tend to be most people's ultimate ruin. Will they be able to put an end to their emotional imprisonment, even if it means losing the war for the country?***"I love the honesty of this peace, and the mystique it leaves behind. Like it's so empowering and mystifying? I want more! Agh, this is a phenomenal start. Your writing style is so refreshing and unique. :)" - @SabrinaElouardi ***2016 Science Fiction Watty Awards EntryHighest Rank #632 in Science Fiction***Written for my "Writing for Publication" class. This book has been self-published and I have chapters 1-6 already written. I'd like to dedicate this to my writing teacher, without him I wouldn't have created this. Show your support with votes and comments as this is an official Watty Awards '16 entry!…

You Don't Know Me (Sequel, On Hold)

You Don't Know Me (Sequel, On Hold)

3,341 91 5

The girl with seven identities has fallen. Now she only has four names to go by. Two guys chase after her, one she once loved and one she now likes. A clever girl, they called her. Is she really clever? Is there something she is missing by giving up her other identities? Living as a family girl, a badass, a popular chick, and a band geek, what could you be missing from life? Turns out, you can be missing a lot.Sequel to You May Know Me As... (It can stand alone without you reading the original book.)Entry in the 2013 Watty AwardsInterested in the first book of the series? Check it out here:…

Haunting in Heidi's Woods (A Scripted Movie)

Haunting in Heidi's Woods (A Scripted Movie)

1,368 46 10

A simple party turns into a vicious nightmare. “We dare you guys to go on a moonlight walk through the very paths Heidi and Edmund Smith walked.” These words triggered a series of events involving an evil ghost, epic action, and deathly fainting. Will anyone survive the evil night? COMPLETED…

Hiding In The Moonlight (On Hold)

Hiding In The Moonlight (On Hold)

3,142 64 8

I thought birthdays were supposed to be fun? So did Sabrina, a girl celebrating her "fun" sixteenth birthday. Mysteriously, one of her guests never arrives. They go on with the slumber party, assuming everything is peachy. Until they get a frantic call from the missing girl's mother. Everything turns into chaos. Everybody panics. Who could be involved in this kidnapping? Or is it a murder? Someone does not appear to be who they are. When someone politely excuses themself to the bathroom, she never returns. Who will be next? Will it be you?Told from the point of view of an innocent party guest, this story is bone-chillingly terrifying. Not a book to be read before bed, this story will send shivers down your spine. The souls of every character will capture your heart until it's broken when they disappear.…

Infinite Interviews

Infinite Interviews

3,521 42 18

Interviews with some of the hottest Watty users around and some new, aspiring authors! Explore their lives! Learn about their books! Find a new story to read! See it for yourself!…