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This will include canon couples, broken, others that people for some odd reason have paired up and also my favorites. This will also include the ridiculous race since it is part of the series in a way in my opinion.I have been wanting to do this for a while now and I if you plan to read this please: Be respectful of others opinions in the comments. There shouldn't be a f* bomb match between people over cartoon characters. I love this show as much as the next person but we shouldn't be dissing others because of their love or hate for a couple or character. We all need to treat one another with mutual respect. A discussion is totally fine, but like I said don't get worked up if a person doesn't like/does like a character or couple this includes my own opinion, so I ask again please don't cause any issues because others even myself are expressing what we think of a couple or character from this show and throughout the seasons. If you want me to answer questions about why I like or don't like a couple or character go ahead and ask, but I will be providing that throughout the parts in this. If I haven't covered a couple or character let me know and I'll give you my opinion but I will repeat don't get all butt hurt if i don't like or do like them.…