Gears and Wires

Gears and Wires

202 2 8

The steam powered giraffe crew and two cousins, Dex and Sprocket Walter, come across a rather interesting and futuristic android from the year 2048. Short Circuit had somehow made her way 29 years back into the past, the band taking pitty on her, lets her stay with them until she finds her way back to her time. But something about her doesn't seem right to the cousins, are they being paranoid? or are they the only ones taking a notice to the androids suspicious actions?(Cover art not mine, belongs to pumpkindogart on tumblr)…

seahorses and crabs

seahorses and crabs

4,663 182 23

things only get more confusing for karkat as the second highest troll on the hemospectrum starts acting weird around him after the game finishes.…

karfef <3 story

karfef <3 story

1,011 20 7

this is just a little story for the homestucks that ship karfeff or karkat x feferi for those who arent sure what karfef is…