All is Well in the Afton Family

All is Well in the Afton Family

451 15 4

It surprising how one decision can change so much... and so little.In an alternate reality, Michael Afton decides not to shove his little brother's head into Fredbear's mouth. This in turn means William Afton does not go mad with grief and kill Charlotte Emily. Now it is 1985, and Fredbear's Family Diner has been upgraded to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Business is booming, the Afton and Emily families are as close as kin, and without a murderer for a father, William and Michael can finally have a stable relationship.So why are children still going missing?…

RWBY: Beacon's Bloody Bull

RWBY: Beacon's Bloody Bull

13,535 435 16

Cover Art by MisterLloydHeadmaster Ozpin is in a bit of a pickle. It has come to his attention that one of his potential students has faked their transcripts, leaving him no choice but to reject their application last minute. However, that still leaves an empty slot needing to be filled, or else one unfortunate group will be a member shy of a team. But with Initiation in two days' time, where he is supposed to find a suitable replacement before then?Well, as it just so happens, there is someone who could take their place. He may not have an official application, but Beacon has made exceptions for that before. While he might have quite the temper, the school faculty is well-equipped for dealing with more volatile students before. What was that, he is an infamous terrorist and known murderer? Hey, everyone -even Adam Taurus- deserves a second chance, right?What is the worst that could happen?Now crossposted on Archive of Our Own.…

Fire Emblem Three Houses: The Colossal King of Faerghus

Fire Emblem Three Houses: The Colossal King of Faerghus

122 6 2

Waking up from a coma? Byleth can handle that. Finding out that the nations of Fódlan are engaged in a bloody war? Byleth can handle that, too. Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd is now three times bigger than he was five years ago? Yeah, that last one will take some getting used to...Due to vile experiments performed upon him by Those Who Slither in the Dark during his imprisonment in Fhirdiad, the Savior King of Faerghus has grown much larger than humanly possible, with the strength to match. While stopping the Adrestian Empire (and smashing Edelgard like the bug she is) is still his top priority, Byleth notices that Dimitri is conflicted, as though protecting his friends and civilians could somehow be more important than avenging the dead.Will his giant heart and bigger brain allow Dimitri to better recover from his hallucinations and survivor's guilt? Or is he simply doomed to be an even more monstrous boar than he was before?…

RWBY Watches Grimm May Cry (Special Edition)

RWBY Watches Grimm May Cry (Special Edition)

17,602 268 9

Because if Capcom can remake the same stories and still be enjoyable each time, then why can't I?…

RWBY Support Conversations

RWBY Support Conversations

903 9 4

Yes, this is probably the dumbest thing I'll ever write. But I'm doing it anyway. With my schedule becoming increasingly busy, it has become difficult to write the chapters for all of my highly anticipated projects. But I still feel bad for leaving you guys with nothing to read, so I've been racking my brains trying to come up with a way to entertain you guys that won't take forever to write.The end result was RWBY Characters having Fire Emblem Support Conversations. Each chapter will be two characters -one boy and one girl- going from C to S rank.I hope you enjoy. It's all I can really do until things become less busy in my life.…

The Multiverse of Adam Taurus

The Multiverse of Adam Taurus

14,863 245 5

What? Just because I'm writing a RWBY-Multiverse-Reaction-fanfiction, it HAS to be about Jaune Arc? I'm writing this story to prove that Adam can fit way more roles besides "psychotic terrorists" and "abusive ex-lover." And because I really feel bad for the bull Faunus, and he deserves some love.Whether he's a cyborg ninja, a mutant monster-slayer, working as a plumber/princess rescuer with Ren, or putting together a marching band, Adam has a literal universe of roles he can fulfill. Hope you enjoy reading!Note: This will not interfere with my updates for Grimm May Cry: Grimm Never Cry, or Adam and Jaune's Amazing Adventures, which is going through some major revisions.…

Adam and Jaune's Amazing Adventures!

Adam and Jaune's Amazing Adventures!

2,704 34 2

From the "creative" mind that brought you RWBY Watches Grimm May Cry comes a new series of adventures totally not borrowing from episodes of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show! Found lost in the wilderness after his escape from the Schnee Dust Company Mine he worked in, Adam Taurus was adopted by the Arc family, and became the older brother that Jaune always wanted. Seven years later, the two siblings set out into the dangerous World of Remnant in search of adventure. The two are joined by the young but courageous Oscar Pine, and Weiss Schnee, heiress to the SDC and NOT a damsel-in-distress (despite Adam's claims otherwise). Together, the four will travel the lands, make new friends, and fight against the forces of evil.Adventure abounds, when the Arc Brothers are involved!…

RWBY Watches Grimm May Cry: Grimm Never Cry

RWBY Watches Grimm May Cry: Grimm Never Cry

64,401 671 18

After a long hiatus, Grimm May Cry has finally come back!Join Team RWBY, Team JNPR, and their friends as they kick back and watch the next exciting installment of the Grimm May Cry series, as fan-favorite characters join in the audience. With awesome action sequences, thrilling stunts of heroism, and a rocking soundtrack (depending on whether or not YouTube hits the songs I find with copyright strikes), the second installment of Grimm May Cry is a story you won't want to miss!…

RWBY Watches Grimm May Cry (Old)

RWBY Watches Grimm May Cry (Old)

632,073 6,862 86

After the events of Volume 1 of RWBY, a mysterious force that in no way was caused by Yang breaking a form of rare dust ends up spitting Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren, out into the downstairs living room of a Wattpad writer who's been rather lackluster as of late, and a Devil May Cry fan. Deciding to humor his guests, join Team RWBY, Team JNPR, and their friends as they watch a retelling of the Devil May Cry universe, starring everybody's favorite knight, Jaune Arc.…

Fire Emblem Three Houses: S Supports

Fire Emblem Three Houses: S Supports

2,037 26 4

Spoilers for the end of Three Houses.After the end of the war, we all know about how your character (Byleth) is able to attain S Support with one of their students or fellow faculty members. However, that begs the question: what would the S Supports be like for the other students and their allies. In this little pet project I look forward to writing, we'll be taking a look between all the other hypothetical S Supports between students and faculty, starting with the Blue Lions, as they're the only class I've played through in the game thus far.…

Holiday Special Collection

Holiday Special Collection

36 0 1

Because I've wanted to write some for a long time. Will feature DDLC characters.…

A Modern-Day Dragon

A Modern-Day Dragon

563 30 14

Nobody was expecting it. Everybody said they were extinct... and then it happened. Up in the sky, a dragon has repeatedly been spotted snatching up armored trucks transporting shipments of gold. Nobody knows his motives. He just shows up, rips up the truck, and flies off with the gold. Then one day, a girl discovers a secret of the dragon's, and the next thing she knows, she's thrown into a life of thrills and greed as her new boss/captor makes her help him plan out his new robberies. But the funniest thing? If the authorities or newly formed Dragon Slayer squad don't get to then, she could learn to enjoy this life…

Abe's Bar for Bad Guys

Abe's Bar for Bad Guys

157 3 1

While Abe may live with Monika, in this reality, he owns a bar, and serves beverages to the best known bosses in video games from every platform, including Bowser, Ganondorf, Ridley, King Hippo, Dr. Neo Cortex, Alduin, GLaDOS, Springtrap, and more. (This is not a novel, it's just a collection of short stories of Abe's experiences, similar to Patrick F. McManus or James Herriot.)…

Doki Doki: My Life With Monika Part 2

Doki Doki: My Life With Monika Part 2

5,930 103 18

These are my continued adventures with Monika, who in my opinion is the best girl. This time, I've unintentionally uncovered a conspiracy code-named Project Libitina. Anyone who's played/watched the game knows that whatever that little organization stands for can't be a good thing. Take it from me, the guy who experienced it firsthand. (Only 11 more reads until this story can be published early!)…

Upcoming Projects + Thoughts

Upcoming Projects + Thoughts

152 0 3

This is, as the name implies, a list of upcoming projects that I hope to publish this year. (Maybe not in their entirety, but we'll see.)…

Doki Doki: My Life With Monika

Doki Doki: My Life With Monika

24,612 385 15

This is the story of how I met a deranged, murderous video game character, and how shortly afterwards, my life changed for the better. I know that sounds absurd, but if people can tolerate fanboys dressing up as their favorite anime character (regardless of if they're the same gender or not), then I think it's okay to forgive and-eventually-fall in love with the main antagonist of a psychological horror game.…