Blueboys guide to women

Blueboys guide to women

535 2 13

My fellow men i know you've been waiting for this book for along time but it is finally here it will include everything from how to get a girl and keep her to how to compliment her and what to say and when to say it…

Parallel planet

Parallel planet

3 0 1

what if you wake up one day and find out everything you know about you s a lie…

My poem book


3 0 2

They say everything you do has a consequence but what happens when your judgement day comes will your good deeds be enough to save you? Or will your sins condemn you? When a killer enters the small town of Lebanon oklahoma people start turning up dead in strange ways…

Death sentence

Death sentence

16 0 2

As i look back now i wish i could take it all back it wasnt worth the stress and always looking over my shoulder and now its become my sentence for death…