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Team Flare unleashes their weapon on Kalos, destroying Geosenge Town and the surrounding area, and creating an EMP-wave that affects the entire region, causing a nuclear fallout and pushing the region into chaos. Ash Ketchum, stuck in the region, must now keep her head down with Flare looking for her and the Kalos government becoming corrupt and keeping everyone locked in.In the meantime, she stops pretending to be a boy and works at a bike courier service and finding herself still getting into the mix of things. Professor Sycamore, who she'd been working with prior to the disaster on Mega Evolution, is the best friend she could have at the moment, when Riley comes looking for her, talking about Aura Guardians and babies, Alain is an overprotective jerk, and apparently Cyrus Akagi has been looking for her and giving her weird vibes.Life is never easy for her.Fem!Ash, RedTreeShipping, Ash/Others (one-sided).…