One bed, Two enemies

One bed, Two enemies

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"If you don't mind, i'm going to go sleep." He says, taking off his shirt.I widen my eyes and quickly cover them. "What the fuck do you think you're doing.""Taking off my shirt?" He tries to hide his smirk, tilting his head and looking at me innocently. "I can see that, you knucklehead." I roll my eyes. "Why are you taking it off?" "I sleep shirtless." He shrugs and flops onto the bed. "Could you not sleep shirtless for one night?" My eyes narrow, looking at him boringly. "No." I roll my eyes and put my hands away from my eyes, looking straight to his eyes without trying to look at his toned 6 pa- i mean without looking at his body. He smirks. "I knew you would wanna see me shirtless." I'm going to electrocute him one day. "Just shut up for once, will you?" I groan. "Make me." -Alara Belle Whitlock and Keldan Gray Mendes, two sworn enemies who have always hated each other.But what happens when fate takes over, leaving these two rivals no choice but to share one bed?There's One bed, Two enemies. That isn't gonna change anything between them..Right? -Thank you to @STORY_G0DDESS for helping me with some parts of this story!…