fire help

fire help

77 9 10

this is a 911 fanfic and is gonna help you understand graces backstory and how her parents died and how she ended up with Sam and everything that went down. here is the details In a gripping episode of "9-1-1," the team responds to a harrowing house fire in a suburban neighborhood. As they arrive on scene, they face intense flames and desperate cries for help. Led by Bobby Nash and Athena Grant, the team springs into action, navigating through the blaze to rescue those trapped inside. Amidst the chaos and danger, they encounter unexpected challenges that test their skills and resolve. Throughout the intense rescue operation, the team's dedication and bravery shine through, ultimately saving lives and leaving a lasting impact on everyone involved.…

abandon at Bondi

abandon at Bondi

326 11 6

this is a story about how this little girl who is 3 years old is left by her parents at Bondi and they aren't coming back and jesse adpots her and he becomes his daughter and he works with her and then later on joins and works at bondi…

my father is who? (911 fanfic)

my father is who? (911 fanfic)

36 1 3

graceloeulla "layla and you lied to me and now you just want me to be okay with that why didn't you tell me who my father was?"…

hybrid at bondi vet

hybrid at bondi vet

54 3 5

i was at the lab with Jak and he wanted to do another espermient on me and i ran and found my way here. here is something that might happen The hybrid animal mysteriously falls ill, displaying symptoms that puzzle the Bondi Vet team. As they work to diagnose and treat the illness, they uncover clues that lead to a surprising revelation about the hybrid's origins.read more to find out…

the forgotten potter twin

the forgotten potter twin

18 1 3

everyone knows my brother harry but no one knows me and I think that is just sad and I am going to rule with the dark lord.…

ideas for new books

ideas for new books

14 0 3

you should vote and make your voice know please I need a new book idea. and if you have anymore you want to add or see me write you can comment.…

the story of my life

the story of my life

14 0 4

this is basicly a diary but on line version i am just going to be writing what is in my diary because i want people to see what it is like in my life what happens and what goes on ? i want you to know that everything in here has happened and this a secondary scorce .…

i am not who i thought i was

i am not who i thought i was

61 3 4

this is a story base on a potter not actully being a potter harry potter fanfic.…

my bully is my little's caregiver

my bully is my little's caregiver

19 1 2

why does it have to be him anyone but him why does god hate me but i have to live it i have to say he will keep me safe and if he'll stop beining an ass i will love him…



65 7 5

this is a harry potter fan fiction and i will be using Mattheo riddle i hope you like it this is a also a hybrid story .…

the truth

the truth

17 0 3

this is a harry potter fan fic…

listen to alpha

listen to alpha

71 4 4

this has one direction and a unknown girl…

the dragon hybrid

the dragon hybrid

53 3 3

this story is harry potter fanfiction i don't own the chacaters just the plot i really hope you like this story but if you don't go away and don't leave hate comments.…

The experiment book 1

The experiment book 1

37 0 5

this is an amazing story love you readers keep reading…

you don't know me

you don't know me

11 0 2

this is a harry potter fanfic i do not own harry potter ideas from other people who will get a shout out at the end of each one also with the name of the book.…

The girl who lived

The girl who lived

17 1 3

this is a harry potter fanfiction well it uses the chacter but it's not about harry potter but grace…

danger in the woods

danger in the woods

171 4 16

this is a kick a$$ story this is also a one direction fanfic…

fire and ice

fire and ice

108 7 6

"dirty animal get you ass over here or your going in thee creat" i run up to him and said hwelp me i is scward.…

directions academy

directions academy

62 3 4

this is a one direction story and this is a story where grace leamrocka is in age play and she has her daddies form one direction. there is a lot more but you have to read to find out what happens. then this girl lexi who is graces sister is a ... word that will not be said in this story.…

hybrid verison 2

hybrid verison 2

188 17 10

this is a different story but almost the same characters but liam niall zyan are part of 1d and this is all about grace who is alone and is adopted by the 1d boys…