On The Road

On The Road

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After completing her high school, Ruth Collins has her mind set on for a trip to her dream destination. Its even beyond her best friend's knowledge that the trip they are headed to is more than just an augmentation of their friendship. Ruth wants to get away from her boring, dejected life and have a taste of adventure. She wants to break free from the chains she had tied long back.With everything set just right, what she meets on her way there, is a devilishly handsome, arrogant and notorious Dylan Shaw who might just give her what she wants. But their repugnant personalities may meddle with their own ideas of adventure. Will Dylan successfully break her walls? Will he make her see the life she is missing on to? With a crazy best friend, her best friend's typical jock boyfriend and that jock boyfriend's devil incarnated cousin, Ruth is sure to experience anything and everything.She just might find her true self in all the topsy-turviness. Note: This story might come out to be a little cliched, but I have tried to put the characters in a different framework. Also, this is my first ever story, so please be understanding.…