Saint Jimmy
He's the son of rage and love; the Jesus of Suburbia.…
He's the son of rage and love; the Jesus of Suburbia.…
Josh should have never run away. Heaven knows in this day and age, with the rampant illegal trafficking of underage kids sold into the black market of sex, drugs, and lies, Josh is lucky when he finds Tyler, a protective, friendly, caring adult who takes him under his wing and helps Josh find his feet again.Josh is lucky... he just doesn't feel that way.…
The two had never seen eye to eye. If Tyler was having a good day, Josh would do everything in his power to make it a bad day. If Josh was having a bad day, Tyler would do everything in his power to make it worse. No wonder they fell in love.…
The heartwarming story of two boys falling in love and the ups and downs of high school relationships. Starring Kellin Quinn and Vic Fuentes. Soundtrack by Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens.Coming soon to theaters near you!Disclaimer: THIS IS A FICTIONAL STORY. ANY NAMES ARE USED WITH CREATIVE LICENSE AND DO NOT REFLECT REAL PEOPLE. AKA if you can't hang then there's the door…
An intro into great music, ABC style. Everything from dance to metal to screamo to pop punk. I think I cover all the bases.…
A detailed list of my works and what they're about - more in depth than the descriptions. Because sometimes I need to organize myself and you guys might like it too. Will include status of books as well so yeah thanks whatever whoo…
The hardest part of this is leaving you...…
Does anyone truly know where we go once we die? Sure, humans created heaven, purgatory, and hell as security blankets against the unknown. But how can we really know where someone goes after they die?Will wants to know. There's nothing keeping him alive - or so he thinks. After hanging himself off a bridge, he is surprised to wake up and find himself... right back in his bedroom. But the thing is, no one can hear or see him. He's definitely dead, but he's still here. There are others, of course. They don't really talk much.The worst part? He wasn't as hopeless as he thought. But there's nothing he can do about it, because now he's dead.…
Look alive, Sunshine.In a dystopian world, the Fabulous Killjoys are one of the last groups fighting to keep freedom alive. Against all odds and a strange masked group called the Exterminators, they struggle to protect liberty and take down the leaders of Battery City, bent on taking away any and all originality in order to achieve a perfect, war free society."And remember, even if you may be gone, out here in the desert, your shadow lives on without you."…
My mind blurbs. You're welcome.I don't endorse punctuation. Any punctuation in this publication is completely accidental.Yes, I said I was gone for a while. No, I'm not supposed to be on here. No, I don't care.Just a bunch of songs I've written, poems I came up with, just random shit really.All the songs are written by me, by the way./.\ i write like a boy...…
The intertwining stories of a teenage girl and her favorite band.…
Why the fuck are pickup lines hilarious? For example:Did you fall from Heaven? Because have sex with me. Poetry. OMFG they're actually terrible but I laugh my ass off just writing them for Christ sake. But ladies. If a guy EVER tries to use one of these, please slap him. For me. And IF THESE INSULT YOU here's what you do:Bitch about it to the tosser in the mirror then stop reading this fucking book. Okay?Anyway, enjoy!I may add dirty jokes as well.…
Kellin loves her, and they can get away,But only if she can Hold On Till May.…
Hey! It's the sequel to Did You Fall From Heaven...?!!! Yay! This one is anti-pickup lines from an idea a reader gave mePrepare to laugh your ass off(Or be offended. If so... GTFO!)…