My Big Book of Sinful Things

My Big Book of Sinful Things

2,570 34 38

I am a degenerate so this is filled with my degeneracy, horrible things, sensitive topics, and fetishes, so please be warned....…

Emoji Movie X Reader

Emoji Movie X Reader

2,428 17 3

The Emoji Movie is truly a work of art. It's truly so much deeper than what you see on the surface. The Emoji Movie shows us the terrors of a dystopian society that before this groundbreaking film, we weren't aware of. These emojis are forced to fit society's expectations for their entire lives, and we're abusing our power as the essential gods of the emoji universe. It's sad, but a truth that we need to face. Sony is the only company that's tried to spread awareness about this cause, one of the utmost importance, and for that, they should be respected as gods. I now spend hours worshipping Sony with my enlightened peers. Follow in my footsteps, ducklings. Learn the real horrors of our world and others, and spread this knowledge far and wide. Soon, all will know the true genius of the Emoji Movie.…

Just random stuff I guess...

Just random stuff I guess...

118 23 18

You don't care, I don't care, no one cares…

The Beej

The Beej

2,722 66 5

I did not write this, this story was written by Brian Wecht (Ninja Brian) of the band Ninja Sex Party. I am simply sharing it here, please support Ninja Sex Party and the Game Grumps, if you like their content that is.…