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This is full of all the poems I have written and I will update when I have a new poem or when I type up the ones I have written. Most of the poems aren't very happy so don't read them if you want to read happy poems. There is also a trigger warning so do not read if you are sensitive to depressing topics. Please vote and comment if you have opinions. All of these poems are originals. Thanksss…

Karma (Short Story)

Karma (Short Story)

30 0 1

Excerpt: Trees, that's all I saw. I looked around, trying to find a way out, but all I saw was endless trees. I took a step forward, not seeing the puddle. My foot never stopped, and I plummeted into the deep puddle. I swam up, gasping from the temperature of the water. It was ice cold, and it was starting to get dark, I had to get out of the puddle and I had to get warm. I reached my hand out of the puddle, and tried to pull myself up enough to get a knee on the edge. Just as I was getting somewhere, ice cold hands grabbed my leg, and yanked me down underneath the water. I let out an ear piercing scream, terrified of what had grabbed me. I looked down, but I didn't see a thing. I swam back up to the surface and used as much effort as I could to get out of the water. When I was finally out, I closed my eyes and took my time breathing. It was a terrible mistake. When I opened my eyes, I was face to face with something. It's skinny was dried up and peeling off, it looked like it died hundreds of years ago, thousands even. I was too terrified to move, at a loss of words. Then it tried to speak, but all that came out was gargling. I flinched backwards at the sound. It looked frustrated that it couldn't speak. "W-who are you?" The gargling continued as its face started to rot even more. The smell was revolting. It reached out it's hands and I could feel the dampness as they neared my throat.…

Stuck Before Death (SHORT STORY)

Stuck Before Death (SHORT STORY)

2 1 1

This is a Short Story about a girl named Elena who gets trapped inside her body and mind. Delilah, the person who selected Elena as a player, is using her body in a futuristic game. They try to finish the game so what happened to Delilah doesn't happen to Elena. Find out what happens next in the short story.…

The Reflection (SHORT STORY)

The Reflection (SHORT STORY)

4 1 1

This is about a girl named Theodore, Theo for short, that falls off a bridge into a river that is forbidden. she ends up in our universe, earth, and has to find her way back. See if she makes it back, or if she loses her life in the process.…

The Beasts From the Box (SHORT STORY)

The Beasts From the Box (SHORT STORY)

20 4 1

This is about a girl named Grace, who finds a box while running in the forest with her best friend Roman. Read to find out what happens when she decides to open the Box, and see what date it brings her.…