I Can't Tell You (Akise x Yukki Fanfiction- Mirai Nikki)

I Can't Tell You (Akise x Yukki Fanfiction- Mirai Nikki)

12,882 500 10

Based on the anime Mirai Nikki (aka. future diary) and is set in an alternate universe where Akise and Yukki lead normal lives. When Yukki turns up as the new kid at Akise's school, there are rumours spreading like wildfire about why he had to leave, about why everyone from the school had to leave, and about how it was all Yukki's fault. Throughout all of this, Akise and Yukki maintain a strong friendship despite struggling to tell the lies from the facts, distrust not just all around them but also between them. But when something more comes out of it, something neither one of them expected, one of them as to choose between telling lies or truths, between hiding or revealing, between the pretty surface and the hidden secret underneath…

His Eyes (Destiel)

His Eyes (Destiel)

55 8 8

In the same universe as the tv show (so not an au, they are still hunters and everything that's happened in the show has happened). After Cas' supposed death, Dean struggles to deal with his reality whilst also trying to stop the apocalypse. He and Sam face struggles other than this too, whilst taking on jobs in between the main issue facing them. But when Cas turns up alive, after leaving them for months believing he was gone, Dean finds himself getting closer to Cas and realising that maybe he doesn't hate the angel so much after all. Set between: Season 4 finale and Season 5 episode 1…