"Be careful what you look for. You might not like what you find."Fourth Nattawat is a seasoned psychologist in Bangkok known for his expertise in understanding the darkest corners of the human mind. He is assigned to study and treat Gemini Norawit, a 23-year-old psychopath imprisoned in an asylum for the brutal murder of a 14-year-old boy.Fourth's approach is methodical and clinical, aiming to unlock the reasons behind Gemini's violent transformation. As he delves deeper into Gemini's psyche, Fourth uncovers a side of the young man that no one has ever seen, unraveling the layers of a tragic past that turned him into a killer without remorse.However, as Fourth's sessions progress, an unexpected and dangerous bond forms between the two, blurring the lines between professional detachment and personal connection, putting both their lives at risk.!¡ Disclaimer ¡!• This story is purely fictional. Please do not associate the character with real life.• TW: mentions of killings, violence, obsession, stalking• 16+ (?)…