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#djdweek2023 #djdweek #jonadioweek @djdweek Miss Pendleton arranged a business meeting with George Joestar in August 1989, she went with her adopted grandson Dio Brando to Joestar mansion in Liverpool, England. From there, they met George's son, Jonathan Joestar. Both Jonathan and Dio read the mysterious JoJo manga and joined the acting contest that their schools participated in.1. Phantom Manga (Prompt: Childhood)2. And The Time Stops (Prompt: Pocket Watch)3. Distant Dreamer (Prompt:Vampirism)4. Heaven on the Seashore (Prompts: Seaside, Devotion, Modern AU)5. Cycle of Hate and Love (Prompt: Scars, Danger)6. Raise the Curtains (Prompt: Candlelight)7. End or Loop (Prompt: Write favourite art)…