Marvel One-shots, Headcanons and Such

Marvel One-shots, Headcanons and Such

86 0 2

In the title. No smut EVER.…

The outsider's imagines and Stuff

The outsider's imagines and Stuff

2,287 26 18

We write imagines, headcanons, drabbles e.t.c.My twin and I accept request for the following:DarryDallyTwo-bitSodaPonySteveTimCurlyJohnnyWe don't write smut.If the character you want to request for isn't on the list above, request it anyway and we'll see what we can do for you.…

TMR Preferences, Imagines, and stuff

TMR Preferences, Imagines, and stuff

891 7 9

In title. We refuse to write smut or anything steamy.…

"Mr.Perfect" (TMNT!2K12!Leo x fem!reader)

202 9 1

This is my first and probably last TMNT fic. I got a lot of good response with this fic on Tumblr, so I'm sharing it with you guys. Enjoy!…

Being a Baggins (Bilbo x wife!reader)

Being a Baggins (Bilbo x wife!reader)

65,628 1,702 16

You are Y/N Baggins, wife to Bilbo Baggins. You, your husband Bilbo, 13 dwarves and a wizard embark on a journey to reclaim a mountain…

Tolkien imagines

Tolkien imagines

12,783 323 13

We will write imagines, series, headcanons and drabbles for:-Lindir-Haldir-Elrond-Legolas-Thranduil-Erestor-Glorfindel-Pippin-Merry-Sam-Frodo-Bilbo-Dwalin-Thorin-Fili-Kili-Bofur-Ori-Nori-Aragorn-Eomer-Faramir-Boromir-SmaugIf the character you want to make a request for is not on this list. Just request it anyway and we'll see what we can do for you. These are just who we are accustomed to writing about.…

Every Reader's Dream (Bain x reader)

Every Reader's Dream (Bain x reader)

6,230 163 9

You are 15/16 years old and you are a Disney and Tolkien fan. One day you are transported to middle earth and are looked over by thirteen dwarves, a wizard and a hobbit. These are the stories of your adventures.…