The Best Arctic Polar Activities

The Best Arctic Polar Activities

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You've heard of wildlife; now see it for yourself! Wildlife Wonderland in the Arctic is a region full of animals that live on ice floes. From belugas and narwhals to walrus, ringed seals (and their incredibly long tusks), arctic foxes - even polar bears are not immune from this incredible abundance here at "the edge".Wildlife Wonderland in the ArcticTopping the list of favorite activities is a chance for visitors to see some incredible polar wildlife. A region consisting mostly of wilderness and oceans, it's home not only to Belugas whales but also Narwhals; Walrus Ringed Seals Arctics Foxes Polar Bears Musk Ox Reindeer Peary Caribou And countless others! The birdwatcher's dream comes true in the Arctic as they trek along frozen tundra to find puffins, cormorants and more.One of the most popular polar cruise operators - Poseidon Expeditions by offers three main Arctic destinations that you can explore with their Svalbard, Franz Josef Land and East Greenland tours. These trips allow for a glimpse into the magnificent characteristics specific to this region including different types of sea ice as well icebergs ranging in size from small flies up large chunks hundreds or even thousands meters tall! You will also have opportunities on your journey if desired - such trekking through lush green fjords fringed by snow-capped mountains branching out onto impressively sheer cliffs facefirst drop down thousand feet without so much as another human being…