horology | the darkling

horology | the darkling

27,436 770 37

ho·rol·o·gy/həˈräləjē/nounthe study of time-Seraphina Vessensky knew that it would be easy to make any man fall in love with her, even the Black Heretic himself. Her quick wits, extraordinary talents and alluring beauty caught the eye of any who dared behold her; she commanded attention. Seraphina had a secret and an agenda of vengeance. But she was playing a game, a very dangerous one at that. What happens when she gets too caught up in her own web of deceits and becomes the very thing she swore not to?#1 in genyasafin #1 in blackheretic #2 in grishatrilogy#6 in kirigan#7 in grishaverse#8 in darkling#35 in time…

young god I marquis du gramont

young god I marquis du gramont

11,734 264 15

in which a frenchman, drunk in power, stands in the way of a girl brave enough to challenge his bloodlust-'i will not let you kill john wick' 'and who are you to stop me?'#1 in marquis#1 in koji#3 in keanu reeves…

chaotic good

chaotic good

52 2 19

just a series of short stories that I thought would be fun to do!they're all based on random images off the internet and I'll try to update daily if possible and feel free to request!/I have no idea who the cover photo is by but credits to the creators/…