☆♡✿ Danganronpa Connfesions ☆♡✿

☆♡✿ Danganronpa Connfesions ☆♡✿

19 2 3

so this is a book that will have danganronpa explanations and things like making another thing clear This is basically based of of the insta account drv3confessions so yeah and I would change this book or discontinue this if any hate and I will not block any people who don't comment seriously you can joke around (*'∀'*)there could be loads of characters so I'm sorry, but the character name will be I'm the chapter title so I think it's ok to read so if a character that triggers you is there you can skip the chapter. I never proof read either so sorry for spelling mistakes…

Rating Danganronpa Ships! | REQUESTS OPEN |

Rating Danganronpa Ships! | REQUESTS OPEN |

70 4 3

A danganronpa ship rating book I think writing books is actually interesting lol and very entertaining so I will write more books! <3 and thanks for like 21 views on my other story (≧∇≦)/ hope you enjoy my book and go ahead and read :)…

•✿ฺ Magestical Lies ✿ (oumeno fanfic)•

•✿ฺ Magestical Lies ✿ (oumeno fanfic)•

558 17 9

Just a little oumeno story I'll try to update every 3 days :) unless I discontinue this oh and any art in this book isn't mine unless I say, if I keep changing things like chapters the covers and stiff like that then I apologize if it annoys you <3cw: k0