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He could look at her for eternity and still not get bored.Her beauty was imperfectly perfect to him.The round glasses hanging loosely on her nose as she read the book.And then there's this admirer who would just stare at her for the longest time he was provided.And then the best friend of the guy who would look at his lovestruck face and just sigh at his stupidity of not reaching to her.Then there's everybody else who don't really matter to him.___________________________" You got good marks in maths. I wonder how." she said as she looked up at him. " I guess practice?" Jimin answered not really sure what to answer. The girl nodded in understanding. " what marks did you get in literature?" she asked curiously looking up at him with big eyes almost resembling a puppy. " I got umm...... I got..... 45 out of 50." he lied nervously. "aahhh....." she nodded again. " what marks did you get?" he asked. " I got 49." she replied smiling. " I wanted to ask you if you have free time during weekends." she asked. " yeah. Why though?" he asked back. " could you please tutor me on weekends for maths?" she pleaded. " I am free everyday though and for maths you should practice daily, so I think if you got time and you could come daily you should come to my house, I could tutor you better daily and have an eye on you." He said smiling." hnnn, that would work." she replied.โ€ฆ



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" Deal." She said smiling professionaly, unaware of the real deal with him and reached her hand out for a handshake that she usually does with her business partners.He smiled softly at her reaching his hand out to meet the girls'.His heart was going wild looking at the 18 year old being so confident.He surely came for a deal but her personality was something that attracted him very much which made him to have a deal with himself to make her his.Her charisma , personality , the way she dealt with her business partners attracted business men the most. Every young business partner had a desire to have her only for one night but she was a high class girl. Everything was scheduled by her and according to her she had no time for loving some men or making a boyfriend. _____________________________*********" I don't remember that I had a date with you Mr. Park." She said confused , looking through her schedule thoroughly if she had missed any column." Well anything is obviously wrong in your schedule Ms.Min. You surely have a date with me , its even in my schedule written clearly ' Really important date with Ms.Min , CEO of Min Corporation'. " A smile dancing on the boy's lips as he quoted the words from his schedule.โ€ฆ



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I love you but you dont love me and that's not a problem............. I cannot force you to love me.....But the problem is even when you don't love me, you lead me on............And I know that you are just playing but I play along.............โ€ฆ