Your Homie, Leo (Chardre 2021)

Your Homie, Leo (Chardre 2021)

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"Charlie. My 'slight' crush. This isn't slight anymore, is it? And with that, I know I can't stay here anymore. At least for tonight."(Leo POV, not 18+)Leo discovers he has a small crush on his best friend of 7 years, Charlie. He knows he'll never like him back, because why would he like him suddenly after so many years of being best friends? Will he embarass himself, or is he not as big as a fool as he thinks he'll be?(Disclaimer: I do not ship these 2, nor does this story predict or assume any of this will or has happen/happened. I wrote this as an outlet for recent romantic ideas. This is a Chardre story set in the U.K in 2021.)#1 chardre…