echo. | larry stylinson.

echo. | larry stylinson.

1,628,808 63,486 38

❞ Words hurt. Words break you, leave you in pieces. They hurt like a thousand knives. ❞Harry Styles is an unhappy person, he is the victim of bullying at school. Being called names or beat up is a part of his daily life and he believes everything he is told. All the words haunt him every day and he is broken. Harry pushes everyone away and he has problems letting anyone in. But what happens when someone moves into the house that was across the treet, including a teenage boy that caught Harry's attention from the second he saw him? Will he be the one who finally hears Harry's screams for help, or will he be yet another person that breaks Harry? » trigger warnings concerning self-harm and suicidal thoughts.» currently being edited.…

crack the shutters. | larry & niam.

crack the shutters. | larry & niam.

1,113,987 42,568 36

❞ "He is insane." - "He is a psychopath." - "He is dangerous." ❞The list of rumors about Harry Styles was long, and everyone knew them but no one knew the truth. The only thing they knew was that Harry was lonely, shutted everyone out and pushed people away. No one bothered to go near Harry and everyone stayed away from him, until Louis moved into town. Louis was told to stay away from Harry at his first day in the new town, but that wasn't how Louis worked, so he ignored all the warnings and tried everything to get closer to Harry and to get to know the curly-haired boy.As his uncle told him when he was younger: "There always is a reason behind people's behaviour, no person changes unfounded. Don't judge, find out the reason and help. Sometimes a person just needs a special person to fix them."And Harry wasn't the only person with problems and secrets.** This story can be triggering at some points, pleas be careful. **[ currently unedited ]…

rescue me / larry

rescue me / larry

279,540 9,708 28

"why don't you smile anymore?" "there's no reason to smile."[trigger warning]…

fine, great | muke

fine, great | muke

1,050 71 5

Michael is used to entertaining himself, he spends most of his days being his own friend. So it's a fairly big thing for him when Michael spots a teenage boy in his old neighbours house, but maybe stalking him wasn't one of the best ideas he ever had. © carsunderwater, 2016[Triggerwarning; depression, self-harm, drug- alcoholabuse, smoking]…

michaels song

michaels song

125 7 2

Most of the time you don't have an answer to when all your problems started, you have gotten so used to dealing with them that you don't remember a time you felt fine.And sometimes you have so many problems that you don't know which one is the main problem. They all kinda are.…

how to be happy / larry

how to be happy / larry

704 44 3

Louis is rich, and that is all he's ever known. He never had much friends or the best life, though. His parents always had high expectations on him and he had to be perfect every single day. He just wanted to be happy, but he didn't know how to be happy. Until he met Harry, but does happiness really exist?[cover will be edited once my laptop gets fixed]…

nothing like us. | loucel stylinson.

nothing like us. | loucel stylinson.

302,897 12,518 18

❝ nerd [noun] ;a person who does not conform to society's beliefs that all people should follow trends and do what their peers do. ❝Marcel Styles is a nerd, that is something that is out of question. He gets picked on because of the way he dresses, the way he talks, basically for being himself, but Marcel is content about himself, but there's one person who can weaken his knees - Louis Tomlinson, the captain of the school's football team and the exact opposite to Marcel. Unfortunely, Louis is one of Marcel's bullies, along with Zayn Malik, the most shameless guy one could meet in the entire UK, but it doesn't affect the way Marcel feels about Louis.But what happens if a bet changes both lives forever, for better or for worse? And what happens if everything goes wrong, yet so right?[ currently unedited ]…