

29 0 4

Oenomel - something strong and sweetChelsea Woods left Beacon Hills a year ago to pursue her dream job in San Francisco. But being the youngest programmer on her team hasn't brought her much joy. So when her uncle, the Sheriff of Beacon Hills, is injured she goes home to take a break. And look after him and Stiles.What her Beacon Hills family doesn't know is the secret she's been living with since she was sixteen. What she doesn't know is that little Scott McCall was recently turned into a werewolf. Or that her cousin is helping him deal with his new abilities. Or that Derek Hale, the bad boy from her high school days, is back and stirring up trouble. Again.Starts in Season 1. I don't own rights to Teen Wolf, but my original characters and storylines do belong to me.…

Then, I Found You

Then, I Found You

2 0 1

Growing up, Allison James had everything she could ever want. Except a mom. Losing her at a young age meant Allison's family tried to fill the gap--with an absent dad, loving aunt, and overbearing grandfather.It wasn't ideal but it was hers. She survived it only to find out thirty years later that her mother never died. Now she's trying to find her mom and discover the truth behind all the lies she grew up with.*Elena Morgan has lived a simple life with her parents and brother. She's known pain and heartache but nothing prepares her for the day a handsome stranger shows up in her life and turns it upside down.Dylan brings joy, love, and surprise into her life. But he has a job to do and neither are sure if he'll be able to stay when it's done.*This is a story of family and love. No matter what separates them, nothing can be too big to overcome.And because I have to--this story is copyrighted. It belongs to me completely so no stealing. Ok? Ok.…

Finding Home (SGA | Ronon Dex)

Finding Home (SGA | Ronon Dex)

1,090 19 5

Nicki O'Neill has been living in the shadows for a while. As a teenager she met her father, Jack, and was introduced to his world when his enemies used her as leverage. The SGC has assumed responsibility for her protection over the years, but when the threat against her life increases, Earth isn't the safest place for her to live. So she's shipped off (literally) to the Pegasus galaxy. Courtesy of the Daedalus. Atlantis has just reconnected with Stargate Command and accepts Nicki, Major Lorne (her bff), and other new team members for the growing expedition. And shortly after Nicki arrives, another recruit is added--Ronon Dex.This is the story of how old and new friends come together to form their own family and protect each other against the dangers of the Pegasus galaxy. (Starts in season 2 and is eventually a RononxOC ship.)*I only own rights to Nicki and her specific storylines. The rest belongs to the creators of SG-1 and SGA.*…

Words to Live by (A Supernatural/Dean story)

Words to Live by (A Supernatural/Dean story)

291 7 10

For years, Castiel has quietly befriended Audrey Nelson, a grad student turned assistant professor of history--with a focus on mythology. She doesn't know who he is or what he does. The quiet man just stops by every now and then brightening her day with his odd behavior and cryptic comments. Castiel has kept her a secret from the Winchesters...until now. But something is slowly knitting together her fate with theirs and soon Cas is forced to reveal his secrets before she's pulled into a game she doesn't understand.Sam welcomes her but Dean has his reservations. After all, how useful can she be? But it's his fate that's most closely entwined with hers and when he finds out, he may sacrifice everything to keep her around.A/N: This is a Dean x OC pairing, eventually. I've not seen the last couple seasons of Supernatural--still catching up!--so this will deviate from current show storylines. I own none of the original characters or story elements from Supernatural. I only own my own characters and storylines here.…

Here, at the End (TWD Fanfic)

Here, at the End (TWD Fanfic)

446 27 9

This is a "future" story set after season 7 of The Walking Dead. After Negan is defeated, Alexandria and its residents are finding their new normal. One day, Aaron and Daryl come across a small group in the woods--Jordan and her cousins, Chelsea and Tyler. The trio is wary of strangers but upon learning of Jordan's medical background, Aaron and Daryl have to convince them to come to Alexandria. Trust is thin between Jordan and the Alexandrians. Will she and her cousins ever become part of the family Rick has created? And will a certain redneck's walls come down as he grows closer to their new doctor? Note: This is a Daryl Dixon/OC story. I don't own anything except my own original characters and storylines. Everything else belongs to AMC, Robert Kirkman, etc.…

Woman Out of Time: A Maria Stark Story

Woman Out of Time: A Maria Stark Story

6,536 147 20

What happens when the one man Iron Man hates most is the only one who can save his mom? This is a continuation to my story "Love in the time of Shield." It follows after Civil War and into Infinity War. Maria Stark lived a good life with her husband Howard and son Tony. But all that changes one night and she's launched into a nightmare she never expected. With an old friend.The Winter Soldier can barely remember who he was but finds Hydra's latest acquisition intriguing. There's something familiar about her but nothing makes sense to him. At first. ***"Tony?" She croaked out."We need to sedate her!" The harsh voice commanded someone."Where are they?" She whispered, struggling to open her eyes and look for her husband and son.Before she could pry them open, a sharp needle pricked her arm and she lapsed backinto sleep.***…

Love on the Enterprise

Love on the Enterprise

12,041 457 20

A collection of one-shots featuring the hottest guys in the galaxy...well at least on the USS Enterprise. Requests are welcome, just comment or message me. I have to admit that Bones is my personal fave, but I'll definitely include Kirk and the others.Thanks for reading and enjoy!P.S. I don't own any of the characters except original ones. All storylines and original characters are copyrighted to me so please do not copy. Punishment for violating the copyright is being shot out of the nearest airlock...…

Growing up Stark (One-shots of Tony Stark's family)

Growing up Stark (One-shots of Tony Stark's family)

1,856 76 4

This is an ongoing collection of one-shots about Howard, Maria, and Tony Stark. Stories will primarily be set when Tony is young, but there will also be ones that cover Howard and Maria before Tony was born as well as what happens after the car accident. Feel free to message me with requests for one-shots you'd like to see. I can't guarantee that I'll be able to incorporate all requests, but if I can, I will.Hope you enjoy!P.S. I don't own any of the characters, just the original storylines that I write for them.…

Love in the time of SHIELD

Love in the time of SHIELD

5,237 214 10

*This is book 2 in the Howard Stark love series. The first book was Once Upon a SHIELD case.*Howard and Maria have come home to continue helping SHIELD in the war against HYDRA. Still reeling from their failed attempt to save Bucky, they do their best to keep the secret that he is now the Winter Soldier--one of SHIELD's sworn enemies. There is plenty of work to keep them busy though. HYDRA has a sleeper cell in Washington D.C. that is trying to take over the government.And to make life even more difficult, Maria's father starts asking questions about her social engagements with Howard. A successful businessman, he'd love nothing more than to have Howard Stark for a son-in-law...but Maria isn't cooperating.Will Howard, Maria, Peggy, and Jarvis be able to stop the HYDRA cell before they cause irreparable damage? And will Howard and Maria escape Mr. Collins' matrimonial ideas?Keep reading for the next adventure of Howard and Maria--Tony Stark's parents.…

Fighting the Dark Side -- a Star Wars: TFA fanfic

Fighting the Dark Side -- a Star Wars: TFA fanfic

75 6 3

*Story and description contain spoilers from the movie*The force is strong in the Skywalker family. Including in Leia and Han's daughter, Brina. Although not as strong as her brother, the infamous Kylo Ren, or even the newly discovered Rey, Brina still knows the ways of the force. With her father gone and her mother trying to keep the Resistance afloat, Brina will be drawn back into the fight. Throw in a cute but cocky pilot and she's bound to have an interesting homecoming. Will Brina be able to help the Resistance or will she fall prey to the Dark Side?All characters except Brina and other OCs belong to Lucasfilm. This story however belongs to me :)…

Once upon a SHIELD case (Howard Stark)

Once upon a SHIELD case (Howard Stark)

15,895 493 11

This story is about Tony Stark's parents. In the first Captain America movie we met Howard Stark and I'm sure that soon--maybe with the Peggy Carter show that's been talked about--we'll see Maria Stark, Tony's mom. My take on how they met? Maria Collins worked for SHIELD, initially in the secretary/typing pool. Peggy Carter met her and recruited her as an agent. Of course Howard works with SHIELD at times, so the rest is inevitable. I don't want to spoil the entire story for you so (pssst!) start reading ;)…