

316 46 8

"Satya" I called her she looked at me with her red eyes "I love you" I said she stared at me longingly and raised her hand to touch my cheeks.I didn't realise I am also crying until she wipe the tears "how" she asked me with her breaking voice."Love doesn't need reason" I told her slowly rain started and she looked at me I held her hands close to my chest. "This heart knows what you are and what you capable of" i told her.She closed her eyes leaning forward I put my forehead on her closing my eyes let the rain wash away our fears, insecurities and the distance.........She is hard to love yet he fall for her!She is impossible to trust but he trusted her more than himself!She is a broken piece but he fixed that he didn't break it!!!!!!!!Join the beautiful story of Satya and Amar journey which will make your heart melt with their love!!!โ€ฆ



339 59 10

It was midnight and a 16 years old girl talking with her friend on phone.Rain start pouring heavily and power went off "Close all the doors and sleep" her friend told and disconnect the call."Who is that" she shouted with a shaking voice. That humming was coming close to her room.She turn on the torch light "who--i-is--tha--t" she was shaking with fear.Suddenly her phone buzzed with a message from unknown number. "You're gonna kill yourself"Want to know more then what are you waiting go ahead๐Ÿ˜‰โ€ฆ

Falling for you

Falling for you

93,721 4,119 43

"Why can't you both realise your love for each other before spoiling someone else life" sri asked us.Rishi was looking at ground without saying anything "Falling for your best friend is not a crime" raj said to us.Rishi didn't said anything and start walking past me without giving a glance at me I felt my heart broken."Why are you so silent go stop him pooja before everything will be late" sri said but my eyes were on the person who is leaving me in tears.She doesn't know that it was already late....They didn't know i already fall for him madly without being his friend....My rishi, my bestie, my love Today i lost him... because of my love....Is it wrong to fall for best friend???????~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pooja loves rishi so much but rishi will love pooja??Will their friendship broke because of this love??Do you want to know more about this?Then go don't waste a single second!!!!โ€ฆ

Till my last breath

Till my last breath

351,922 3,952 12

Now available in Amazon kindle I am walking in rain, streets are empty I saw a person I know him but I don't recognise him he was looking at me his eyes shows love, pain!!I found myself to walk towards him he take a step back and start leaving I felt hurt but I don't know why"Arjun" I shouted he stop walking I don't know how his name came tears formed in his eyes I don't know why I am also crying We both stood at few inches gap "You remember me" he asked I want to hug him but I can't "Arjun" I shouted when I saw someone is pointing gun at him from his back he look at that direction That person shoot before it hit him I stood front of him that Bullett hit near my chestbefore I fell back Arjun catch me "Vaishu" he yelled I loose my consciousness but before that I whispered "I love you Arjun" darkness consumed me._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.Vaishali, a beautiful, bubbly girl she loves her family very much and Arjun her love of lifeArjun, handsome, a well business man he has a dark past he shut himself from everyone but when vaishali enters his life, he changed and start living again They both fall each other and get married with their parents constant but that one incident changes their lives Vaishali forget her memories about Arjun!!!!What will he do and what is his dark past?Will she ever remember her love, her marriage with Arjun ?To know, read my story!!!!!This was my second story Hope you like itโฃ๏ธโฃ๏ธโฃ๏ธโ€ฆ



20,158 1,010 33

"I am going" she said looking into his eyes which were hiding tears just like her eyes. "Okay" he said she was waiting for him to say 'don't go' but she was not getting her answer.He was waiting for her to saying 'I am not going' but she was not saying it. All they both knew was they both fall for each other again but this time they didn't confess to each other.*********************Vikram, Arshi. two different people, two different worlds but united by hearts. She was fragile, sensitive. He was quite opposite to her.He proposed her, she doesn't get chance to accept. She proposed him, he doesn't want to make things complicated.But what happens when they both fall again in love with each other!!Will they confess this time?Will their unspoken words come out this time?Why did they broke first time??โ€ฆ

You Are Mine

You Are Mine

706,828 22,106 52

#5 in egoistical 16/08/2019.#3 in forensic 18/08/2019.#1 in forensic 27/9/2019.#1 in yourstoryindia 26/12/2019."Why are you doing this" I asked looking into his eyes he take a step closer "because you are mine" he whispers in my ear making me shiver he pecked my lips and went away leaving me in shock Do I love him ?Or?????------------------------------Meet Rithika Agarwal, forensic student,who is young,beautiful and a responsible women.she has a dream to meet her dream boy who is only comes in her sleep but she didn't able to see his face meet Jai Ram Khanna, a succsessful business man and CEO of his own company, who is a egoistic,arrogant.....but sweet at his heart for his loved ones what if these people got stuck in arrange marriage ?will they fall for each other ?Or ????to know that.....Read the story.....------------Hey guys!!!! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธThis is my first story. So don't mind mistakes.Hope you enjoy the story........โ€ฆ

Crossing paths

Crossing paths

99,799 4,797 56

"I don't know how many times i have to save this stranger" he said i rolled my eyes.I give him a fake smile "you don't need to worry about a stranger" i said and walked past to him but i stopped when i hear his deep voice "who knows maybe we are going to cross same paths" he said.In somewhat my heart also told me he is right but I didn't said anything just stand there.He walked past to me but stop at beside me bending his face to my level i felt his breathe on my neck sending me shivers "i hope we will meet soon" He whispered in my ear and left.I stand there not moving an inch i don't know why but i am sure that i am going to meet him soon._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.Meet shiv, a famous wedding planner who is came from middle class, he worked hard and started a event planning company.Meet nidhi, got a job at a famous event planning company, her parents are died few years back she didn't know about the secret behind her parents death.Will she ever discovered about her parents mysterious death?What happen when these two crossed same path?Will shiv and nidhi fall in love?Do you want to know? Then don't waste any secondโ€ฆ