

2,153 47 13

Book I of CloudhoardersIn a moment of scientific forgetfulness, or in a time meant to be forgotten, Earth looked away from the mystique of the heavens, and began to work on each other, realizing life was but a chance in the vast chaos of the cosmos. On the eve of comfort, Earth was invaded by a being of mystery, and what man doesn't understand, man fears. As those fears grew, so did the loom of war to the guest of the void. Shots fired meant lives on the other side were lost, and as the lifeless fell, the once beautiful sky turned against the humans, causing Earth to wilt away its identity of green to a hellish land, making it uninhabitable. What caused such a change in the environment? Was it man or was it Earth's new company?…

Mummers Of The Motionless And The Subsequent Hereafter Of Life's Only Promise


69 3 5

David was the quiet one, almost as if he didn't exist in the first place. He was frail, and fearful of those who never noticed him. With all his genius he couldn't muster up the confidence to speak to another person. This was his last chance as the senior year slowly came to a close. He always believed this would be his life, a nervous wreck and in constant worry. Putting forth effort it crumbled his confidence moreover, yet his luck turned around when a new kid, Abel, gives him the faith he needed to come out of his shell.Little by little, his new seemingly perfect friend began to pressure him to do what he thought made them like him, and made him cool. Soon his actions mirror that of a troubled youth, as his grades suffered, and his ego inflated. On a dare, he stupidly did what any kids his age would do to be accepted by his peers. Missing a step, falling to the ground, he got his final wish for popularity. As for his fame, it was overshadowed by catastrophe, as he was hospitalized for his injuries. His cascade of rebellious behavior plummets him into a realm of a mind bending dreamscape. Lost in the waters of his unconsciousness, as the sea of stars and planets envelope him, he must relive all the illusions of his own incolence. As his mind wanders throughout the Universe, he learns through memory his life is nothing but a reflection of the celestial, and his consequences are the ghostly projection of his own accord. Will he find his way back to his loved ones?Will he learn the truth of acceptance brought on by his isolation?Does he wake, or will he forever remain Comatose?…

parable of the toxic fumes

parable of the toxic fumes

61 1 10

Don't do drugs kids, and don't listen to the voices tempting you too come closer and invite you to Oblivion. I am that which plauges me, that which ask nothing of me but promises idle euphoria, and darkness incarnate. Addiction is a falsehood of splendor, and an insolent comfort of toxic fumes.…

The Beast of Shishreal
The Philosopher's Stone and the Truth Behind the Legend

The Philosopher's Stone and the Truth Behind the Legend

72 0 7

It's been told over and over again, and yet we still find ourselves wondering on how such a tell could inspire the philosophers of the past to endure life in exile for their beliefs and be driven to the point of insanity. When we think about the legend and the intriguing story put forth by the great writers of the past, we seemingly forget that every person on this planet has been fighting for the rights to think and speak on behalf of ones personal experience. Life is a tribulation for every individual and the parcels of knowledge we accumulate is the very truth that breathes life to us, and gives us reason to live and die. In this very case the stone of myth is seen as a mystery to an outsider, and is kept secret so that no one can tarnish the scriptures of religious freedom. In many variations, the Stone is told to be a powerful and supernatural object capable of unimaginable prowess, and is the physical manifestation of ones enlightenment.…

A Garland of Roses

A Garland of Roses

37 1 13

In a land, were all people know is what has been told over and over again, from generation to generation life is dictated by the whispers of the past, surpassing eons, but times are changing, and with it the rhetoric of flowers, and in the boudoir of familial tidings, change is fear of inconsistencies. Family means too love unconditionally, and without prejudice, or thats what the story books say. Love is, family, but family is not just a designation, it's a system of invisible levitation, that ignites wonder, and torrid gossip of scandals in waiting. The tale of one family, the Beauaeux' as they go about thier lives in constant risk of exposure, in the morning sun they hide the secret which could ruin the family name forever. They are rich, famous, and highly regarded as the most powerful family next to the King, his court, and the other noble Houses. But what makes them powerful also makes them a target for defamation, as the arrogant spin the parable of falsification, sprinkled some vagrants of truth. What comes as a surprise to them is that they are not respected but feared by the townspeople, they know they are the life blood of the city, but is name and wealth enough too keep peace? In the days to come, they will be tested by the slander and hearsay of nobodies and nobility, and be thrown together by malicious agents of the cosmos. How do you become a family when so much distance has grown between us? What does it mean to be a family? And how do we fix what was always broken.…

The Final Gauntlet

The Final Gauntlet

322 9 10

The III Act of the Cloudhorders Trilogy - The Final Gauntlet is the final drama of the story of Cristina and her people. With the earth restored and humanity picking up what's left of civilization, the sky began to swarm with our friends of the Nether, and cry in fear for something unseen and unfathomable. When they seek our council, asking us for aid, they tell us the story which has caused them to journey to us and our planet, hoping for protection by the distance traveled. Little did we know, they ran from an ungodly entity that could live in the vacuum of space, and is capable of massive wake of total destruction. It is empowered with world destroying abilities that allow it to do as it pleases, taking planets and leaving only dust. It was a message that heralds more horror as the one's left hear the tale of pure cataclysmic evil. As the monster grows closer, and the surface scrabbles to safe zones, what will they do to ensure safety? How will they protect themselves from a race of ancient Gods? Will they flee or will they stand their ground and fight for what is left of humanity, and earth's gentle companions. How does one prevail in the vacuum of space?…

Book of Hours

Book of Hours

520 9 13

Cloudhoarder: Book II - Book of Hours *Unedited The earth has been besieged by a faction of aliens unknown to the human, yet with an ace in the hole, the governing body believes they have struck the new ground in a war they never saw coming. Imitate danger looms in the ticking time left for the remainder of our race, and science has been the only savior to the bleak experience of time. What will come of ourselves? How will humanity be saved by the Council? If we lost, then we hope it was written by enveloped hands or at least a merciful winner.…

Devadeus Machixmata

Devadeus Machixmata

236 0 5

In the Eyes of God, we're as common as the scum that infest the hoard of divinely plentiful things - made by an unfathomable grandeur. God is, in It's own rite, the embodiment of all the inexpressible visions we continuously are unable to comprehend or facilitate. Yet, some, still conclude their own arduous law of duties, seen only by one's wilting flesh, as if it had a place in the Book of Unspeakables. What we believe is what we become, and what we do and what we say echos endless too the reaches of Eternity. Leaving the Universes' useless information for no one to repeat, and the Nameless to ponder over. It was never ment for Man, to tamper with Natural Occurrence, nor was it his place to dabble with The Story of God and His Game of Existence. For the first offense we made against our Architect of Wonders was to force unsaid rhetoric and referendums, accompanied by one's malicious intent. In attempt to bend the tide of Destiny and to make sense where sense cannot be made, as Man is obsessed with the thoughts that plauge him in his idleness, keeping him awake by the whispers of the Unknown and the Void that shroud it in Mystery.…

the gay witches and wizard's grand compendium

the gay witches and wizard's grand compendium

295 4 13

this is a small volume for any who wish to learn the ways of gaia herself, and if your journey stops here then blessed be the path you follow and the wisdoms that accompany you in life.nothing says magick like the art of oneself and ones beliefs.…

Fetus In Fetu

Fetus In Fetu

132 2 3

Illviania is a promising mother too be, yet with the death of her late husband has brought her to the out skirts of the Deamon Lands. Disregarding all the warnings from other travelers she befriended on her journey to the cursed lands, she treads with good faith that her only child is born happy, healthy, and with a chance at new life in this forgein land.…

The Leaf

The Leaf

33 3 1

A leaf, with hopes, dreams, and wishes of fulfillment.…

those who eat us while we sleep

those who eat us while we sleep

18 5 3

Tormented with an active imagination, Kas can no longer take her, and her recurring night gaunts or her daily gaunts watching her, giving into her insecurities. Every day since her parents moved out of the small town of Gato Negro, people have turned the lights off at the slight movement in their direction. It's not her, or her curse but an after "affect " of something she's slowly trying to understand. But today. Today was it. Tonight will be the last time she's at the mercy of the unknown and its companions of parasitic compilation. As all that stands between them is the will one has against the monsters eating us while we sleep. But what happens when we leave the realm of monsters left to starve? What makes monsters monsters is the idea of an uncontrollable, untamed, and unearthly force given life by one's faculty for the imaginative and awe-inspiring. Or nightmarish and petrifying.…

The Collective Tales of Maris Elabaster.

The Collective Tales of Maris Elabaster.

40 4 7

Elabaster was a man of odd quaints, he had a voice of a giant and a twinkle of magic in his sapphire blue eyes. In the years of his life, he wrote down his experiences and as well the tribulations of the times as every-soul suffered by the hand of the tyrant King Orbiraon, and its mistress Madam Vester, the military command of His Majesties armies. Each tale, in some way, hold a special magic, and within all these written lines, are the hermetic sorcery, practiced by the Great Wizard Elabaster. Here, in these pages are his life work, and his personal memoir of all battles fought or won, or by his own hand gracefully frozen in time. Made stone, by the greatest spell ever cast, none have tried, and none have the courage to journey to the land, still in Imperial control. Freedom was the last gift in his fight from magical oppression and law meant to limit the natural ability all Witches and Wizards posses.…



61 5 5

In an alternate reality, time has progressed differently from our own, the state of the planet are finally broken as the advances made pave the work for civil unrest and potential ArmageddonmDavie Ordon is the acclaimed news anchor and journalists giving the interview of the millennium. On this episode we have the beautiful and famed star of stars, Vellia Markez. She had billions of followers, willing to do any and everything for the afamed star, but how far is too far even for our heros? Is this the start of a movement we can no longer hold back?Also with an appearances by the infamous Leader of Anarchist group the Camandors, President Elister Artfurd, as he voices his role in the ongoing feud between the ruling regime, as tensions escalate live in the news room. Lastly we have the talented and high esteemed scientists Dr. Ellis Alfrid-Hermzit, author of the book "While We Still Can". Has reached a new height of glory, his research on life longevity has reached a brake through for the future of mankind. The world all watches, eyes fixed, and ready too tear apart the country, and any who stand against them, and their views of grandeur. Will this be the final broadcast of the world or will peace be found as the ticking of wartime, could breed the end of civility.…

The Witches, the Peasants, and the Beggars -UF

The Witches, the Peasants, and the Beggars -UF

306 3 12

Penelopy's history has been tarnished by the many, as stories of her life are used as an example of true evil. As the lineage of the royal blood went into hiding, the Royal Gaurds plant seeds of her kindgom to six lands Independ from the original birth place of the Crown. As for her forfited land, it is now under beech of the Church, as a new Archbishop takes hold of the people still distruaght by it's previous national tragedy.…

It's Not Easy Being Mean

It's Not Easy Being Mean

809 11 11

Princess Penelopy is the next in line to the throne, knowing the ways of old tradition she follows them as her Father taught her too, yet when she feels the Gods abandon the Kingdom, and the ugly truth of Kingship, she makes it her soul duty to change the minds of a Old fate. Yet her mother the Queen has other plans for the Kingdom, filled with lies she can no longer contain.…



91 3 1

The Lost Diary of One Phoebe Buffay

The Lost Diary of One Phoebe Buffay

11 1 1

Phoebe is a strong, independent, and intuitive young woman. At the peak of her youth, she is thrown around and taught the traumas of life and the trials that have been so mercifully put at her feet. She goes from a seemingly happy home, to the streets of New York, and then into the foster care system. She knows if she can survive the home that so stupidly puts her down, then anything else life has instore is but a walk in the park and a cup of tea or in some cases, a strong cup of coffee. As she goes through the stages and steps she must endure to become the amazing, tough, and beautiful woman destiny will shape her to be.…