Games of Aspiration

Games of Aspiration

190 3 16

To her, being a cat burglar was far more than stealing baubles from the wealthy elite who could afford to be trimmed down a bit.It was also for the love of the sport, the enticing game of risks , wins and retreats that proper burgling presented .But for all the preparation that she put into playing her game, she had never had taken into account the games others played!…



79 0 15

A Crime Thriller:Please read till the end....Not all is as it seems.A Tangled vine of a plot is growing rampant in this story...A tale that will over take the reader from behind, like a slow, creeping Bindweed!…

A Unicorn's Tail

A Unicorn's Tail

7 0 7

A Unicorn's tailA Fantasy Poem…

A Sticky Wicket

A Sticky Wicket

55 0 11

The revenge upon her would be sweet, even though it was purely theoretical.She was the very epitome of every upper class privileged prig of a young girl who ever has passed a vile judgment on those she snobbishly refused to view as an equal. And I? I possessed the subtle skill to knock her smirking ego down a few pegs.Wicket cunning trick robbery costume devilish scoundrel jewelry pickpocket princess ploy game con sinister wicked steal connive detective allure snot vixen…

A Wicked Turn

A Wicked Turn

573 0 19

A Story based on Chrematistophilia, arousal , a paraphilia whereby sexual arousal is obtained from being robbedThis story does contain some light sexual activityPlease do not read if under 18…

Ghosts of our own Making

Ghosts of our own Making

150 25 22

A Ghost story derived from several real life experiences !…

Midnight Occurrence at the Lakefront Cottage

Midnight Occurrence at the Lakefront Cottage

36 3 9

This story is based from a rather intense experience my twin sister had had while staying at our uncles Cottage last year.The photo of the cover is one of the gown and jewellery she wore. It was taken at a wedding she was in last summer at the same cottage...The gown and jewellery are the same she again wore out that autumn evening of her long weekend staying there alone...So with that said, here is her Narrative :A Night Occurrence at the Lakefront Cottage…

A Lovely School for Ugly Pickpockets

A Lovely School for Ugly Pickpockets

76 4 10

Names have been withheld, really, I quite had to😉This story is rather hard to peg.It's basic skeleton is loosely laid out like an Ocean's Eleven movie plot, but with far fewer participants...At it's heart, it's a rapscallions' tale, at it's soul, it becomes something much deeper...Have you ever been cajoled into doing a task that is totally out of your comfort zone and experience? But asked in such a way that your very being cannot resist the urges to carry it out?That is what this tale is all about, well sort of...Please Read on....^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Cover photo is from Ken Cheng Photography.A Brilliant ArtistCheck out his stream on flicker…

Highwayman's Lament A Poem

Highwayman's Lament A Poem

20 1 3

Highwayman's LamentA PoemThis is based upon an incident several hundred years ago, based on my namesake, a distant skeleton in our family closet. Though obviously not to my parents😊Took place along the winding road and its famous bridges, called Abbot's Chase…

Pickpocketed - The Art of Gullibility

Pickpocketed - The Art of Gullibility

60 6 3

With all of the lifting type games my twin and I have managed to role play out upon one another all these years, one would think we would be wise enough not to become real victim's ourselves...One would think...But there is always someone slicker at the game, real or play...As my Twin Sister Cadence, and the loss of some of her jewellery, can attend to...But this her story, and will be told in her words...Here is her Intro...Most of our stories are based on games my twin brother and I have played off each other, or incidents we have observed that we felt could have led to a similar experience if their had been a lke minded thief in the area.Basically pickpocketing and jewel thievery are the incidents I am referring too.As much as I have written on the subject there have been as many years that we had never encountered first hand anything like this ourselves, or been personally effected.But there is always that first time, and recently, that is what happened to me.When I realized what had happened, I wrote it down one evening in a mixed frenzy of pissed off feelings of gullibility and my own idiocy for letting it happen!We would appreciate the support of likes and comments upon this...Especially from those who may have had similar rude experience's to hers..Cadence & Craig…

Shenanigans at the Poet & Peasant Pub

Shenanigans at the Poet & Peasant Pub

54 11 9

Why would someone attempt to tease a goliath of a man known to posses a remarkably short fuse?…

The Young Hugger Mugger

The Young Hugger Mugger

111 10 8

A Beguilingly true tale of an outsiders observations at a very upscale Wedding Reception.In the outsiders words...."Apologies in advance to anyone who peruses this and comes away with thinking that it reads like the plot of yet another badly directed flick. Real-life can appear to be played out that way in the sometimes!That bit being said...Unescapable Boredom has always been a trigger for some of my most peevish muses, and sometimes that has landed me in quite hot water!"…

A Study in Chicanery

A Study in Chicanery

54 5 10

A rather roguish Game of Dare played and pickpocketed out at a fancy dress wedding reception…

The Plucking of Rose

The Plucking of Rose

126 1 9

A Rather Devious tale of comeuppance to a Snotty Brat…