Life Without You

Life Without You

26,006 915 45

It's been 2,199 days since Praimfaya. Clarke is finally reunited with Bellamy, but will things ever be the same? What happened while they were separated? Could they get things back to normal? Who are these new sky people? The first few chapters are a bit rough since this is my first fanfic, but I promise the plot and my writing gets better as you get deeper into the story. Cover created by @FeyGurl…



3,252 104 6

This book will be dedicated to one-shots if you're into them. A one-shot could lead to a book of its own if I get enough people willing to read it. Lots of fluff, angst, and endless Bellarke. I'm open to any prompts you send my way. Hope you enjoy this small and random collection of thoughts and scenarios.Cover created by the very sweet and talented @FeyGurl ! She's an amazing writer and I definitely recommend going to get page and checking out her work. (:…