Since the Beginning // The Winter Solider //

Since the Beginning // The Winter Solider //

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Anna Dain was captured and turned into a killing machine by HYDRA after she went worriedly looking for her soon-to-be lover Bucky Barnes. Anna aka The Soul Huntress, is the second best weapon HYDRA has ever created. In 1943 HYDRA devised a plan to have The Winter Huntress and The Winter Solider work together and after a successful assassination mission, the organizations two best assets begun to work side by side for the next decades. HYDRA's reasoning behind this was because of their previous relationship before they were taken in and experimented on. To keep them unknown of their past, frequent wiping, long periods of cryostasis and experimentation is done. However, as time goes by The Soul Huntress whom has been enhanced with unknown injection by Arnim Zola, begins to get flashbacks of her previous life. Going through choppy memories of her past and seeing what seems to be her with a man that looks like The Winter Soldier, makes her question everything HYDRA has put in her. Maybe her and Bucky were together, since the beginning...Who is the coffee girl? Was she the coffee girl? Who the hell is Bucky? Were they lovers?------------------"Finished staring at me, doll?" Bucky said. Anna instantly became flustered and waved her hands in front of her. "Sorry! I didn't mean to stare!" She panicked and her eyes darted to the floor. The male chuckled, "That's just fine, I'm lucky that someone as pretty as you would be looking my way." Anna blushed, hard and didn't respond.------------------*Slow burn with flashbacks throughout the story!* Lord give this fic a try pls.* I do not own any Marvel characters, I only own my OCs*…