Death Note - Light Lives On

Death Note - Light Lives On

104 0 3

This story will be my version of the last episode of Death Note. Rather than Light's death, not only does he continue to live, but he also begins to form feelings for Misa, unlike in the main story.…

Biana & Tam: Love Story

Biana & Tam: Love Story

3,653 58 4

Hi there! This will be my first fan fiction I've ever wrote, so feel free to comment some constructive criticism if there is something you don't like! This short story will be a love story for Biana Vacker and Tam Song, from the Keeper of the Lost Cities Series.My plan is to make this story about three chapters long, since I'm just a beginner a writing this kind of stuff. I'm sure I'll eventually be more encouraged to write longer stories if people enjoy this one.If you don't ship these two characters, then that's fine, but I'd appreciate if you didn't leave any hate or start any arguments, thank you. But, feel free to comment any ships you'd like me to make a fan fiction for. All of the characters and settings in this story belong to the amazing author Shannon Messenger, you should really check out her books. I only take credit for what happens in this story.In summary, I really hope you enjoy my first fanfiction! Now go start reading you amazing person! :))------------------------------Okay hi, a million months later and I'm surprised this fanfic was even found by people. My writing isn't all that good in my opinion, but thanks for the support anyway! Although I'm probably never gonna write a fanfic again 😅 writing isn't my thing. Reading is more down my alley.…