Vegeta and Bulma Love Story *Editing*

Vegeta and Bulma Love Story *Editing*

109 16 8

I DON'T OWN ANYTHING IN THIS STORY! ALL THE CHARACTERS BELONG TO THIER RIGHTFUL OWNERS!! I just wanted to make this into a story and see how it goes! Only being used for entertainment purposes nothing more! Like I said I don't own a thing! I am just a huge Vegeta and Bulma fan Now for the story:What happens when Bulma a high school student starts school for the very first time and meets Vegeta, the lonely outcast. Bulma instantly likes him but he is so withdrawn. Upon seeing this her friends dare her to get Vegeta into bed. Bulma accepts this dare but upon getting to know him more she falls for him. What happens when he finds out from a past boyfriend about the dare? What will happen when suddenly the girls are kidnapped by Frieza as payback against the boys? Join Bulma, Vegeta, Goku, Android 17 and 18, Krillin, and ChiChi on this thrilling adventure!!There will be a sex scene! So if you don't want to read that, I will note it so you may skip pass it! ❤️…

Out of the Darkness

Out of the Darkness

2,751 106 29

Comics and the movies don't depict this man other than just a ruthless tyrant who doesn't know what he is doing. But what if I told you that's just one side to Hux. There is the side no one under his command was allowed to see.General Armitage Hux is a man known for leading the first order to attack the rebels. The same man who had a machine fire at the republic and destroyed their entire system. But apart form his dedication to Snoke, one must question what led him to this point? How does a little boy fill of hopes and dreams go so wrong and join the dark side? Maybe she is the only one who can bring him back to the light?Come along for an emotional ride of the life of General Amritage Hux. You'll see familiar characters such as Kylo Ren, Finn, General Leia, as well as Poe!…

His Choice: A Thranduil Love Story

His Choice: A Thranduil Love Story

108,070 3,767 27

"You see, yes I loved your mother, but she wasn't my choice, she was my parents choice not mine. I married her right after your grandfather died, because it was his soul dying wish. Of course, I fell in love with her over time, and then when I lost her I was heart broken, but it's not the kind of feeling I feel now. I was angry and resentful because she died and I had no one. I felt I was all alone in this world. I was lonely, I admit that, and continued to be through the years. I wore my loneliness behind a mask for many years. But then I met her I felt something new, something I never really felt for your mother. But what made it even more special this time was that, she was my choice."…

Tale as Old as Time

Tale as Old as Time

3,472 120 31

Tale as old as Timesong as old as rhymebeauty and the Beast.In a time long ago where muggles and wizards lived together, lied prejudices. It was always the muggles vs the wizards. The wizards always saw themselves as better than the muggles. Of course, there is one place that showed that the most and that was the kingdom of Hogwarts.In that kingdom there was a ruthless, cold hearted prince named Draco Malfoy. He was as colder than ice and hated muggles with a passion. He saw them as nothing more than dirt and made them aware of it. But within the kingdom, there was still some good. Not all the village people were prejudice, instead they made friends within each other. They loved to gossip, especially when it came to this new girl who just moved into town with just her father and a secret that follows them.Enter Grania, named after her mother she rolls into town seeking a new life with her father. She knows nothing of magic or that it even exists. But the thing she does know is that the village talks about her. They find her very unusual and different. She loves to work, help people in need, and things of that nature. But is it good or bad? She longs for, instead of adventure, love. But that seems far out of her reach especially when she meets a certain man who pushed her in the mud. However, she does catch the eye of a famous war hero that all the girls want.They both share this strange feeling that none of them have felt before, especially Draco. Does this mean that this Beast will soon find himself falling for the very thing he despises, or will he push her away? This story is an adaption from the 2017 new Beauty and the Beast movie. Only I am making this into a Hogwarts one where I introduce two new characters. Be sure to vote and comment!!A/N I OWN NOTHING! EVERYTHING BELONGS TO THIER RESPECTED OWNERS!…

Power Or Love (Loki Love Story)

Power Or Love (Loki Love Story)

13,948 420 25

*Takes place after the first story when Loki fell down from the rainbow bridge.*After Loki lets go of Thor's hammer he fell into the darkness. He awoke to find himself on earth. After wondering around in a very small town he bumps into a women. The two don't hit it off at first but she is willing to help him gain his independence. During the mean time Thor finds out Loki is alive but leaves him be. It wasn't until someone threatened the safety of Asgard that Thor was sent to retrieve Loki. Loki hesitates at first but then leaves to go fight. After it is all over with he is summoned by his father and is offered a position that, other than being king, he has always wanted. He now must decide whether he wants to go back and live a normal life with the women he loves or stay at home with his family. What will Loki chose, his family or the love of his life?Please vote and comment!!!A/N The story plot is mine, I only own Claudia and her family nothing else!…

So You're Back?: A Snape Love Story (Under Major Editing)

So You're Back?: A Snape Love Story (Under Major Editing)

861 49 23

*ORIGINALLY KNOWN AS THE WEIRD FAMILY: SO YOU'RE BACK*I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, but I do own Rasabith, and her two sisters.Like so many others before me, this is a Harry Potter fanfic, more importantly a Severus Snape love story.And now for the summary:In this story Snape meets his match, a girl named Rasabith Requiem. Him, Dumbledore, and a few others were brought back from the dead and no one knows who this mystery person is. Anyway Her sister who is named Corressaundra, who I also own, comes in and tells them all about her sister and expresses her concerns. After she leaves, Dumbledore assigns Snape the job of watching over her and giving her lessons on how to control her powers. as the story progresses they fall more and more for each other, and find out they have a lot in common. In the story there is two balls (dances) and we get to see some of our old characters and see this shocking twist of who was brought back.…

Ciaus' Scowl

Ciaus' Scowl

12,042 211 11

Why does Ciaus have that scowl on his face all the time? Well what would you say if there was a reason for behind that scowl? There is and its in this book and as we go along we will see just why that is. And the one that finds it out is his daughter only she don't know that? All of the love, and heartbreak one can have in a life time all in this story. And at the end will his scowl change or will it stay the same? Will this girl change his expression? This is sure be an excited and cute father/daughter story with a shocking twist that will leave you saying "what?!"…

Next Time I Fall *editing*

Next Time I Fall *editing*

19,359 519 14

This story is a combination of Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast.Once there was a young, beautiful princess by the name of Anastasia. She was cursed at a very young age and soon enough will fall into a deep sleep. But what's to happen when true loves kiss is not allowed to wake her?Aro is the king of darkness. One day when he meets Anastasia he steals her away and held her captive. During which they fall in love. But what is to happen once she falls into the hundred year sleep? What will Aro do?…

An Aro Voltori Love Story

An Aro Voltori Love Story

92,633 2,294 14

We all know Bella and Edward have thier happy ending, but what about Aro? After every one of his people left the snowy battlefield, he soon followed but not before saying "Such a prize." Motioning to Bella and Alice. He then turned around and left the scene. It was not known that Aro had indeed stopped in the woods and turned around again to see all the mates happy and hugging each other. Bella turned around and saw him watching them and instead of telling the others she observed him. He takes out what looks like a picture and kisses it. He takes one last look at the mates celebrating as he puts the picture back in his pocket but then it falls on the ground, without him knowing.Later Bella runs over and picks it up and looks to see a picture of a girl. Who is she? What is she? Does Aro love her? But most of all how does she know Aro? Bella will answer these questions for herself as well as open up some old wounds.…