Disparity ↠ (Camila/You)

Disparity ↠ (Camila/You)

29,283 1,206 6

disparity/dɪˈsparɪti/noun1. a great difference.2. lack of similarity.↠She works 3 jobs for seven days a week and was also trying to balance her education in the midst of it all. Luck was definitely not on her side. While the girl across the street lives lavishly with her family's fortune without having to drop a sweat. They were complete contrast from each other but yet they created something so balanced and beautiful. ↠WARNING : same sex | explicit language |↠Cover by : @AshCabaello (Drawing is allowed by the artist, @gomesart on Tumblr. If you wish to use her drawings for your covers, I highly advise to ask her permission beforehand.)…

A Different Kind of Different ↠ (Camila/You) #1

A Different Kind of Different ↠ (Camila/You) #1

278,915 9,579 40

"A person can emit a colorful energy but their own souls can just be black and white." ↠How can one person be such a mysterious case? How can she radiate such positive energy but at the same time, radiate negative energy too? Why does her smile screams happiness but her eyes cry sadness?These are all questions Camila's been asking herself ever since she's seen Y/N Y/L/N since freshman year. Camila doesn't understand how a well known student like her can be such an uncharted territory. A varsity basketball player, a straight A student and an amazing singer; how is she not loved? But why does it seem like that isn't enough for Y/N? Well, Camila's gonna find out.↠WARNING : || same sex pairing || explicit language ||↠Cover by : @AshCabaello…