Le Renard et le Loup

Le Renard et le Loup

160 5 1

La fierté à un prix et la famille de (t/p) l'a payé de sa vie lorsqu'ils refusèrent de s'incliner devant le bâtard de Bolton.S'enfuyant de Ramsay, (t/p) se lance dans une quête pour rallier les banners du Nord contre la tyrannie des Bolton, sans savoir que Jon Snow a commencé à marcher vers le sud avec le même objectif.L'hiver peut venir, mais la passion garde les loups et les renards au chaud.…

The Fox and The Wolf

The Fox and The Wolf

6,063 135 9

Pride as a price and (y/n)'s father had paid with his life when he refused to bow to Bolton's bastard. Running from Ramsey, (y/n) set on a trip to rally the North bannermen against the Bolton's tyranny, unaware that Jon Snow had started to march south with the same goal. Winter may come, but passion keeps wolves and foxes warm.…

Magi X Reader | One Shots

Magi X Reader | One Shots

697 21 2

Collection of Magi X Reader one shots. Requests are OPEN! Ask for anything, with a name, a sentence or a situation. I'll try my best to provide! Enjoy!…

Magi Fanfic: Fallen Destinies [Sinbad X Reader]

Magi Fanfic: Fallen Destinies [Sinbad X Reader]

61,696 2,031 14

You're the Holy Maiden of a small land, conqueror of the 4th dungeon, Balam. As Yunan guides you to a new journey, he also prophecies you'll meet someone whose destiny is intertwined with yours. Who could this mysterious person be? Find out the truth behind your status through an epic adventure of courage, treason and love. (cover credits: background by Shigure - Sinbad by Furusawa Eno) Disclaimer: I do not own Magi or it's character. Although, plot and OC are mine.…