The Chaotic School Years

The Chaotic School Years

52 7 13

Thought the school year before was dramatic? I can assure you that compared to these ones, it's way less chaotic and way less things have happened. Now I shall present to you, some bigger, better, funnier, and more dramatic scholastic years. Hey I mean, they have changed schools and everyone's classes had been flipped upside down from how they've been in the other school, so people would have been able to socialise with other people, and as for Alishia, that had worked out pretty well, in fact, these new people that Alishia met were the reason why the school years from her perspective was rather crazy. Why not read this story to check out all of the peculiar things that have happened? I'm sure that you will be amused by some of these things that have happened!…

The Diary

The Diary

53 9 9

This story is about lots of drama that happens in Bobby High School, all this drama is written on a notebook that Alishia used to carry around with her every day throughout the first semester of the school year when she was 13, however, she couldn't continue writing all the drama of the other semesters since her notebook had ran out of pages and she didn't feel like buying another notebook and wasting her time writing about drama since she had to focus more on her studies. Time passes by, and she was in her 20s, she was cleaning up her room until she stumbled upon her old diary. She was shocked that she found the diary since she had always thought that she had threw it away, suddenly, she stopped with her work and decided to read what was written on the notebook.…

Love Under The Mistletoe

Love Under The Mistletoe

33 2 10

This story is about Ava and Logan that met up at school, and realised that they got along well together. Christmas was right around the corner, and what Ava and Logan gave each other as a gift for Christmas was truly unbelievable.…

Love Who You Fear

Love Who You Fear

64 9 13

Aria was just a schoolgirl, minding her own business, until one time she stumbled upon a guy named Louis. She had heard some rumours about him which made her scared of him. Her friends knew she was scared of him so they decided to tell her to talk to him whilst playing truth or dare. What will happen next?…

The Dramatic School Year

The Dramatic School Year

24 1 4

Hey! It's Alishia here, I will be telling you my perspective of some of the most important times of the school year this year…

The Game Continues

The Game Continues

7 0 5

Matty, Alishia and Jade decided the game should continue, there was so much drama going on between them.…

Id-Dar Abbandunata

Id-Dar Abbandunata

14 1 5

Din id-dar kienet ta' xjuħ li moħħhom ma kienx jaħdem sew. Dawn ix-xjuħ Alla b iss jaf xi ġralhom, u d-dar tagħhom abbandunat waħedha.... sakemm xi tfal ta' sbatax-il sena marru biex iżuru d-dar.…

Truth Or Dare

Truth Or Dare

29 1 5

Matty decides to make others play truth or dare, this turns out unexpected......Want to play?…