The girl with gills

The girl with gills

349 31 17

a government experiment that when rogue ,escaped to North Carolina,learned she had powers,and then found her Learned how to survive as wellAnd to loveโ€ฆ

๐Ÿ’™ lovely little things๐Ÿ’™

๐Ÿ’™ lovely little things๐Ÿ’™

4 0 2

the little things that make life good poems short storiesideasbut mostly things to make you smile and be happyโ€ฆ

 All or Nothing ( the misadventures of Amy and Kim)

All or Nothing ( the misadventures of Amy and Kim)

49 4 3

a quiet,shy, and introverted pansexual and a outgoing, and extroverted asexual who knows what will happen? Amy and Kim meet as collage room mates Amy Adams learns to live lifeKim Winehouse learns to listenโ€ฆ

red string

red string

31 0 3

if you had a red string on your ring finger and it lead to your soul mate would you follow it? what if your string goes nowhereโ€ฆ