Rey Of Sunshine

Rey Of Sunshine

1 0 2

The story begins with Rey Dela Cerna. She's a self-proclaimed palamunin who abruptly decided to seek for a part-time job in a one boring summer. Rey stumbled upon their school's freedom wall page and found something interesting. An anonymous post from a certain fellow student looking for a math tutor. Jairus Trevor, who has a dashing prince-like face wants to be mutual on social media.And there was Leo, a rich playboy and a no-brainer --- says Isaac. As cliche it this may seems, these two bubbly people chaotically met.…

but i still love you || lismin

but i still love you || lismin

47,560 1,162 39

prove that you deservewhere jimin and lisa are in a relationship for five months.find out what happensThis story is a work of fiction and i didn't plagiarize from others. Its my own ideas and i hope you will like this. Thank you.#384- blackpink 05/28/18…

You With The Pink Skies

You With The Pink Skies

30 0 2

I can't help but admire the breathtaking scenery above. How the pink skies resembles the cotton candy. Silly how the cotton candy reminds me of us. Those sweet memories that we shared together.But pink skies always fades as the darkness of the night swallows it whole. Making everything seems empty and dark.Eleonor's life has been miserable since his father left them. Will she able to find someone who would paint her life with colorful colors like before?…