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ALIMA is a thrilling fantasy short fiction - spiced with a blend of romance, family, and adventure. After Alima's father falls critically ill with a disease whose cure sleeps across many vallies, far from home. Alima must set out to find the cure before her father takes his last breath.Her journey is one all the gods are gambling on, for even they are almost gnashing and biting at their nails, while they watch Alima push further against the odds.She encounters the god of Agriculture, Oko, and he guides her through her journey of pain, love, betrayal and more.~~~~~~"ALIMA is an incredible twist on Yoruba mythology that will leave the readers yearning for more!!#completed.…



380 69 7

Risen from the ashes?PHOENIXSucked into a world filled with supernaturals by an unknown force. Chloe--together with the creatures from her bedtime story--begins her quest for answers. Answers, best left untold.And in the midst of the overwhelmingly anticipated apocalypse, 18 year old Chloe finds love in the darkest of all dark times, as she captures the heart of a malignant handsome beast.A daring journey into the darkest times, induced by the darkest minds.…