If I'm a Werewolf Princess, why are Vampires making my life so difficult?

If I'm a Werewolf Princess, why are Vampires making my life so difficult?

556,306 6,740 45

This story mostly comes from Princess Keiko's perspective. Keiko has suddenly been invited to Prince Jordon's 3 month birthday celebration. She makes friends with Isaiah, Amanda, and Ethan the Faries. Or does she? She also has a main enemy named Claire who is a Vampire while Claire has her back up Cousin's Primula and Percy. Primula and Percy are Water Nymphs. How do all of there lives mix? What will come forth from it? What secret is so secret, that it's in plain sight?…

For you! My followers

For you! My followers

57 0 1

Just check this periodically.…

Tell Me, Now

Tell Me, Now

26,166 1,029 20

If you are searching for an unexpected, passionate story about a necessary mating between an eager, yet distant beta and a human girl who is old fashioned in her ideals and upbringings, this may be the read for you. This story will involve heartbreak, mystery, anger, and love so emotionally that this story will challenge your idea of a happily ever after forever.…

Conquests within Forfeits. The Hemerwig Series

Conquests within Forfeits. The Hemerwig Series

25,194 410 22

Water. I love it. It’s a part of me and when you think of water, you must think of me. You see, I’m Princess Melrose Visico of the Water Elementals and I’m fifteen. I’m the only heir to this throne but with the war approaching, I realize how heavy this crown actually is. It’s so heavy that my brother and protector Prince Colin Visico doesn’t have a clue on how to help. However, there is something greater that needs assistance. My parents the King and Queen themselves along with King and Queen Apolone of the Fire Elementals came to an agreement recently. King Apolone’s son Prince Braeden Apolone will live in my kingdom for a while to demonstrate peace among all Elementals. I agree to let Prince Braeden and his sister Princess Desiree stay here and in turn I will stay with them. What I didn’t agree on was demonstrating peace. Whatever happens, will but this is my story to tell. Although Prince Braeden may disagree, I have no interest in bending myself to please others. I’m a princess after all and this will forever be my kingdom.…

Promises from a Forswearer. The Hemerwig Series.

Promises from a Forswearer. The Hemerwig Series.

243,681 2,071 41

What would you do if your family’s pack was attacked by vampires on your eight birthday? What would you do if your family kills others to provide for necessities like food, shelter, and water? What would you do if you had to leave your safe house because the risk was too great? Thalia Parsely Lemare knows these questions like the back of her hand. Thalia is only fifteen and has to decide if she should take life’s lemons and make lemonade or lemon squares as she grows closer to Caleb Ambrogio. If life is pointless in the end, why do so many die trying to live it?…

Rebirth of a Murderer. The Hemerwig Series.

Rebirth of a Murderer. The Hemerwig Series.

45,192 545 21

Blood and Tears have been my toys. Pain and suffering have been my friends. These were common factors in my everyday life. Never in my life did I think that would change. That's also another problem. I don't remember anything. For fifteen years of my life I was as good as dead. Now I want to try living. I'm Amira and this is my story in the Hemerwig Series.…

The Secluding of Eve

The Secluding of Eve

68,575 799 23

What would you do if someone offered you the chance to be a spy? That would mean leaving your family, friends, home, and personal processions forever. For Eve this was an easy choice. Now she’s in a strange place and is practically a Jane Doe. So you’re probably wondering what this story is really about. It’s about friendship, lies, kills, thrills, and of course blood and tears. While the outside world seems normal this is the world of Eve. The Secluding of Eve and it's a story that isn't what it seems.…

Je t'aime soul mate.

Je t'aime soul mate.

1,445,511 6,909 46

Halynn is the type of girl all parent wish for. Student Council president, French Club Member, Volleyball Player, National Honor Society Member, and upcoming Class Valedictorian. So what makes her story interesting? Maybe the fact that she lives alone for mysterious reasons and the second boyfriend of her life turns out to be a werewolf. And not just any werewolf! It's the Beta. So what adventures will come from this? What secret is she hiding? What other secrets are hiding just beneath the surface? There's only one story like this and its hers for the telling.…

The Emotional Laceration of an American Girl.

The Emotional Laceration of an American Girl.

117,748 1,418 32

This is my story. My name is Lalita and I must warn you before hand that this story is not for the weak at heart. This is not a story for those who are sensitive, defensive, and/or criticizers. Don’t tell me this could never happen because there might be someone like me around you. Don’t tell me what I should have done. What could you have done differently? Don’t pity me. Pity gets you nowhere. I just want you to see me. Please see me and my story. If this makes you cry, I’m sorry. I would never want to inflict the pain that others have inflicted on me but you have been warned. This is my story and it isn’t a happily ever after……