39 | Nibama (Niall & Obama)

39 | Nibama (Niall & Obama)

9,829 253 3

It was a shock. A man loving another man. One being 21 years old. The other 53 years old. The shock wasn't just because it was a man loving another man. The shock was there because one of them was old enough to be the other's father. The American nation and the European nation were never the same again. One could only wish to make this end like a fairy tale. It never did.Previously known as "Different Worlds | Nibama (Niall & Obama)"39 | Nibama (Niall & Obama)© 2014-2015, analfunlarrySelf publishingAll Rights Reserved…

Puppets | Larry Stylinson

Puppets | Larry Stylinson

1,427 44 1

I need you to listen, I need you to answer. I’m just a puppet on a string. Please look for strings to set me free. If I can be free, then I can finally tell the truth. Please cut the strings and release me from their control. Please, I need you to listen, I need you to answer.Puppets | Larry Stylinson One Shot© 2014, analfunlarrySelf publishingAll Rights Reserved…

Big Daddy | Niall Horan

Big Daddy | Niall Horan

358,967 5,269 20

Niall Horan is going through a rough patch in his life. He goes out to party almost everyday to forget about it. Simon has had enough and thinks Niall has no responsibility, so, he gives Niall a surprise. Actually, two surprises. Niall must take care of two babies for a while. Niall promises not to get attached, but that's one promise he happily broke. However, when the babies get kidnapped by a psychotic woman, will they find the babies in time? Or will Niall finally decide it's time for him to leave the planet? Or will the babies simply never get found?CAUTION: THIS STORY WAS MADE WHEN I WAS JUST A STARTER FAN. IT HAS MUCH CRINGE WORTHY MATERIAL WHICH I'M SORRY FOR PUTTING. YOU MAY TRY READING, BUT IT IS CRINGE WORTHY. I'M SORRY.Big Daddy | Niall Horan© 2013-2014, analfunlarrySelf publishingAll Rights Reserved…

Their Guardian Angel | One Direction

Their Guardian Angel | One Direction

455,626 8,833 32

When Niall, Zayn, Harry, Louis and Liam we're all little, they had an angel protecting them. The same angel. She watched over them, trying to protect them. She gave them all a bracelet with specific things on it and one certain thing was on each of them. The symbol "1D". As they grew, if they ever felt lonely, they would repeat the names of the charms and she would be there with them.Once they meet, they find out that it was the same angel...but darkness is taking over the angels of the Music department. Making kids turn on their angels...only she can fight it along with her friends...but what if...they get to her boys first?CAUTION: THIS STORY WAS MADE WHEN I WAS JUST A STARTER FAN. IT HAS MUCH CRINGE WORTHY MATERIAL WHICH I'M SORRY FOR PUTTING. YOU MAY TRY READING, BUT IT IS CRINGE WORTHY. I'M SORRY.Their Guardian Angel | One Direction© 2013, analfunlarrySelf publishingAll Rights Reserved…

Forgetting The Past As THEIR son (Book 3) | Larry Stylinson

Forgetting The Past As THEIR son (Book 3) | Larry Stylinson

72,459 1,592 17

CAUTION: THIS STORY WAS MADE WHEN I WAS JUST A STARTER FAN. IT HAS MUCH CRINGE WORTHY MATERIAL WHICH I'M SORRY FOR PUTTING. YOU MAY TRY READING, BUT IT IS CRINGE WORTHY. I'M SORRY.A few years after the death of Eleanor, Louis is slowly gaining back like he used to be. He wants to keep his family together, but is slowly starting to regain feelings for Harry. Will he be able to love him again? Harry promised he would always love Louis, but could it be possible that he's falling for another boy?After finding out the secret Eleanor had kept, Larry wants to find his brother, Evan, who is now almost 7 years old. Him and Jay find him and take him in. Sean and Tyler are pretending to adopt him until Louis finally finds out that he's his son, but what happens when he does?Evan Tomlinson, Louis' son, has a secret, a secret he can't tell anyone. What kind of secret does a small child have? Most would say not a very big one, but his could either make him or break him.Now that everyone is trying to forget the past...could old faces stir up trouble?Forgetting the Past as THEIR Son | Larry Stylinson© 2013, analfunlarrySelf publishingAll Rights Reserved…

Nothing's Alright As THEIR Son (Book 2) | Larry Stylinson

Nothing's Alright As THEIR Son (Book 2) | Larry Stylinson

86,208 1,772 16

Larry stares out his window every day waiting for his family to come back. Where are they you may ask? The boys are on tour and won't be back for 3 months, Dani is busy dancing and El is modeling. Stella, Korey, Tyler, and Nichole (Niall's girlfriend) are the parent figures now. Jay is feeling the same way, but Elizabeth (Louis and Eleanor's 2 year old daughter) is still too young to know anything. Once the boys stop calling them or video chat them, Larry starts to turn cold. So he turns to Nat Rays. An 18 year old bad boy who is nothing but trouble. Now that Jay and Larry start to get into trouble, Larry starts to grow weaker by the minute and paler. He get's constant headaches and can't eat much. What's going on with Larry? He knows one thing for sure...Nothing is alright as THEIR son...CAUTION: THIS STORY WAS MADE WHEN I WAS JUST A STARTER FAN. IT HAS MUCH CRINGE WORTHY MATERIAL WHICH I'M SORRY FOR PUTTING. YOU MAY TRY READING, BUT IT IS CRINGE WORTHY. I'M SORRY.Nothin’s Alright as THEIR Son | Larry Stylinson© 2012, analfunlarrySelf publishingAll Rights Reserved…

I'm THEIR son!? (Book 1) | Larry Stylinson

I'm THEIR son!? (Book 1) | Larry Stylinson

287,183 4,959 24

Harry and Louis had a kid. Who knew!? It's been 7 years since then. They've kept it a secret. They even put him in a care home. Secretly, they made a promise to get him back later. Liam, Zayn, and Niall barely find out along with Danielle and Eleanor. When the guys help find him, will they be prepared of the drama?Larry just wants to meet his parents. In the care home he's in, he never knows when he'll get his next meal or when he'll get a beating again by the headmaster. He listens to his radio to the songs of One Direction. He loves to sing along, but easily gets teased. When his parents happen to be Louis and Harry, is he so sure that he feels their love?CAUTION: THIS STORY WAS MADE WHEN I WAS JUST A STARTER FAN. IT HAS MUCH CRINGE WORTHY MATERIAL WHICH I'M SORRY FOR PUTTING. YOU MAY TRY READING, BUT IT IS CRINGE WORTHY. I'M SORRY.I’m THEIR Son!? | Larry Stylinson© 2012, analfunlarrySelf publishingAll Rights Reserved…

What's It Like In New York City? | Larry

What's It Like In New York City? | Larry

313 12 1

“Hey there Harry, what’s it like in New York City? I’m a thousand miles away, but boy, tonight you look so pretty. Yes you do, Times Square can’t shine as bright as you. I swear it’s true.”This is an old one shot I made in early 2013. Lyrics have been changed to fit the story. Read them so it’ll make more sense to you. They might not go very well to the tune of the song, but I tried. Song that goes with this is “Hey There Delilah” by the Plain White T’s. Enjoy.…