60 Days Of Summer (Severitus)

60 Days Of Summer (Severitus)

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Harry had just ended his fourth year at Hogwarts. It had been his most unpleasant year to date. Cedric was dead, killed by Voldemort himself. Yes, Voldemort was back.As if this wasn't bad enough, Harry received even worse news. By Dumbledore's orders and "for his own good," he was now forced to spend the summer with one of the people he hated most in the entire world: the Potions Master of Hogwarts, Professor Severus Snape.Meanwhile, Snape was far from happy with this arrangement. He disliked children in general, and now, as if it wasn't enough punishment to see Harry's arrogant face all year, he was forced to take care of him during the holidays too. He wasn't a bloody babysitter.This summer was going to be... interesting.…