It's Always Been You

It's Always Been You

291 1 15

Y/n Griffin Clarkes fraternal twin Sister apart from Their hair color has had a thing for Bellamy Blake but never told a soul she thought that secret Would die with her but everything changes When 100 prisoners are sent to earth what happens to all 100? Is earth survivable?…

~it was only a kiss~

~it was only a kiss~

83 0 8

Y/n Lupin was sorted into slytherin her first year at Hogwarts she thought her friends and family would be disappointed in her but they were just proud of her and they were all super close to her her friends especially although she has many friends in her house her best friends aren't in her house and she could feel herself slipping away from them when he started noticing her.Theodore Nott x reader…

The Bet

The Bet

66 0 8

Y/n Potter Harry's twin sister has a somewhat normal life I mean apart from that magic side but her life changed when she met him she never thought she could love someone as much as she loved him but that all changed when she found out the truth or did it?…

The Enemies Kiss

The Enemies Kiss

159 0 10

Y/n was like any other person who came up in the box just a scared little greenie who couldn't remember her own name when she met Minho everything changed but not in the way you think For whatever reason they hated each other but why no one knows but things change in the maze one day y/n thought things would be different but nothing had changed.Minho x Reader…

Promise me.

Promise me.

707 4 23

Y/n Walsh carls best friend his soulmate his everything But things change when he fails to keep his promise does he fix his mistake? Will Y/n give him another chance? Or is it over for good? I guess we'll have to find out...…

Him and I

Him and I

7,110 57 7

Y/n loomis Billys little sister by a year is in love with her brothers best friend Stu Macher they are the perfect couple but things take an unexpected turn in woodsbro when two kids are found dead.…