The Forgotten Melody

The Forgotten Melody

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The story revolves around two childhood sweethearts Vihaan and Aarini, who once shared an innocent bond nurtured by playground laughter and secret hideouts and promises. Their love blossomed like a forgotten melody, pure and untouched by the passage of time.But fate's whims tore them apart, scattering their innocent promises like autumn leaves in the wind. Years later, VIHAAN, now a successful business tycoon haunted by the echoes of their lost love, stumbles upon AARINI, spirited artist whose canvases capture the hues of their shared memories.As they navigate the complexities of adulthood and confront the ghosts of their past, Vihaan and Aarini find themselves drawn back to the forgotten melody of their childhood, rediscovering the harmony of their hearts. Their journey is a tale of second chances, of love rekindled against the backdrop of a city that never sleeps, where every glance, every touch, carries the bittersweet nostalgia of a melody once lost but never forgotten.โ€ฆ