Four Nations High-Battle of the Bands

Four Nations High-Battle of the Bands

164 4 2

Before I say anything else, I'd like to be clear this is a MODERN AU. There's no bending, and by 'nations' I mean a town split into four developments and each one is a different 'nation' named after one of the four elements. Anyways, the cover art credit goes to billybob44 on, it's not exactly fitting to the story, but it's the best thing I could find considering I can't draw. And to be clear, I don't own the rights to any of these charecters, except for the ones that are clearly background charecters created for the good of the story, the rights belong to Bryke. Anyways, in this AU, it is in a modern day avatar high school called Four Nations High. They're having a battle of the bands at said school, and you guessed it, the main rivals are Ozai's Angels and the Gaang. It's going to kind of be like Mai's betrayal in The Boiling Rock, but different, you'll see. Pretty much all of the songs in this are songs that I like that I think the charecters might like. On that topic, I'm really trying to embody that they're teenagers in high school, they'll hang out and do fun things, not just plan for the event, so I'll put things that I'd enjoy doing if I had a tight-knit group like this, not only because it's fun to write, but to make it true to the fact that they're still kids enjoying their youth.That's all I can say without any spoilers.Aang-Freshman (14)Katara-Sophmore (14, birthday hasn't come yet)Sokka-Junior (15, birthday hasn't come yet)Zuko-Junior (16, the only one of them who can legally drive)Suki-Junior (15, birthday hasn't come yet)Azula-Sophmore (14, birthday hasn't come yet)Ty Lee-Sophmore (14, birthday hasn't come yet)Mai-Sophmore (15)Toph-Freshman (14)…

3 Years

3 Years

3,764 69 7

PSA I DO NOT own the rights to any of these charectes except the ones that are obviously just background charecters I needed to make up for the good of the story, but the main charecters/fetured charecters in the story completely belong to Bryke. Another quick PSA the cover art is not mine, it belongs to art-kindof on Tumblr, but I found it off of Raj T on Pinterest. With that out of the way, this is my petition for this to be how Mai and Zuko get back togther. WARNING this takes place 3 years after "The Promise", which if you didn't know is the first comic in the Avatar: the Last Airbender comics series, it's 2 years after "Smoke & Shadow", which is the fourth comic, and if you haven't read either of those I would highly advise you NOT TO READ THIS. !!BEYOND THIS POINT IS GOING TO CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR THE COMICS!! I'm not really gonna summerize this too much, because if I do, I'll spoil it, but basically it's about the gaang and some of the world leaders signing what I call the Harmony Restoration Movement Treaty, which later in the story will explain what exactly it does/is for. It gets signed at the Fire Nation Palace in The Capital City, which in this headcannon, Mai hasn't been to in a year since she went to see how Zuko was doing/check in on him, so when she gets there things start to happen between her and Zuko to say the least. They had both been missing each other's pressence, but neither of them acknowledge that the other person feels the same. Also, if your were wondering, it's called 3 Years because many fans know in the Emerald City Comic Con, one of the comic writers basically confirmed that Mai and Zuko get back together after 3 years, so this is the headcannon for that. This is my first fanfic btw.…

Bitter Jealousy

Bitter Jealousy

766 20 2

This was requested by @Firefly20067. It's basically about a jealous Mai. *DISCLAIMER* I am planning on writing two other stories in the future that are the sequals to my other story, 3 Years, and this is 100% not cannon in that realm. This is a seperate story I made from a request for fun and this has nothing to do with that. This is purely for the enjoyment of my readers and does not at all connect to 3 Years. Anyway, I couldn't find the art credits for the Maiko part of the cover art, but the Jinko part is from nikonikoniiiiii on pinterest, it didn't come the way it is, I edited it to look like that. And if you can't see what it is, it's Maiko, but Mai is thining about Jinko. This isn't my absolute best work, but I'm kinda proud of it I guess. Sorry if Mai comes off as insane, it wasn't supposed to be that way if she does.…