Four Nations High-Battle of the Bands
Before I say anything else, I'd like to be clear this is a MODERN AU. There's no bending, and by 'nations' I mean a town split into four developments and each one is a different 'nation' named after one of the four elements. Anyways, the cover art credit goes to billybob44 on, it's not exactly fitting to the story, but it's the best thing I could find considering I can't draw. And to be clear, I don't own the rights to any of these charecters, except for the ones that are clearly background charecters created for the good of the story, the rights belong to Bryke. Anyways, in this AU, it is in a modern day avatar high school called Four Nations High. They're having a battle of the bands at said school, and you guessed it, the main rivals are Ozai's Angels and the Gaang. It's going to kind of be like Mai's betrayal in The Boiling Rock, but different, you'll see. Pretty much all of the songs in this are songs that I like that I think the charecters might like. On that topic, I'm really trying to embody that they're teenagers in high school, they'll hang out and do fun things, not just plan for the event, so I'll put things that I'd enjoy doing if I had a tight-knit group like this, not only because it's fun to write, but to make it true to the fact that they're still kids enjoying their youth.That's all I can say without any spoilers.Aang-Freshman (14)Katara-Sophmore (14, birthday hasn't come yet)Sokka-Junior (15, birthday hasn't come yet)Zuko-Junior (16, the only one of them who can legally drive)Suki-Junior (15, birthday hasn't come yet)Azula-Sophmore (14, birthday hasn't come yet)Ty Lee-Sophmore (14, birthday hasn't come yet)Mai-Sophmore (15)Toph-Freshman (14)…