Infinity- One Direction Fanfiction

Infinity- One Direction Fanfiction

3,438 216 22

Brothers Liam, Louis, and Niall were orphaned at a very young age. They were separated, taken into different foster homes. 4 years later, they are, by some miracle, reunited. Unfortunately, their new foster father isn't the nicest, and they end up living in an abusive home. Now, Liam has to take care of Louis, an impulsive, reckless, dyslexic teen, and Niall, a sweet optimist who walks with a crutch due to a chronic muscle disorder in his left knee. All while keeping their home life hidden from their best friends, Harry and Zayn.Will Liam be able to save his baby brothers?…

Not An Easy Road Pt. 3

Not An Easy Road Pt. 3

300 26 1

Harry and Niall are happily married, but their happiness is short lived. Both are extremely busy, and even after all they've been through together, their relationship is strained. Will they be able to find a solution??…

One Direction One Shots

One Direction One Shots

1,441 53 5

One Direction one shots! Exactly what it says :) Leave a request and I'll add yours to it!!…

ANOTHER WORLD- 1D Fanfiction

ANOTHER WORLD- 1D Fanfiction

2,355 154 15

After his crazy dad's treatment was discovered, Niall, an amazing and well known soccer player, was shipped away to live in the city with his mom. As he tries to recover and move on to a normal life, he becomes friends with Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Liam. But just when it seems everything will go good for Niall, his mom's boyfriend reveals a terrible secret, one that will end up putting Niall and the boys in danger. In order to save him from Lester's secret life, the boys first have to discover what Niall has been keeping from them about his own past, and why he move to the city in the first place.…